Sunday, March 30, 2025

What you say about others reveals more about you than them

Recently, someone said something to me that I found inexplicable and hurtful. The person accused me of being arrogant and causing offense. Now that is not my intention at all of how I want to live my life. Nor has anyone accused me of that (at least not recently). I was really perplexed and I wanted […]

Life Skills that are truly LIFE skills

What skills are truly important in life? What skills should we be teaching every child? Here’s my list so far – what would you add? Meditation – the ability to calm the mind, be still, focus, let go of thoughts and just breathe are invaluable benefits of meditation. How peaceful our world would be if […]

The awesome power of making the bed

December 8, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Observe

There are days that are very productive and some that are not.  Some days, I declare with a real sense of accomplishment “It was a very good day”.  Then there are others when I review my list of “things to do” and see very little accomplished.  Now, I know that if I do something once, […]

How to … move doggies from Jamaica to Canada with ease, grace and joy

October 7, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Trust

One of my daily affirmations over the past 6 or so months has been: “The dogs move safely and happily to Canada with ease, grace and joy”.  Each morning I have repeated this affirmation, sometimes adding a visualisation of their journey and life here, sometimes a prayer of gratitude, sometimes a quiet meditation. My words […]