Sunday, March 30, 2025

What’s “like” got to do with it?

October 20, 2016 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Observe

The agony of the US presidential election, which has captivated North America, and, perhaps much of the world, is at last coming to a close. The voices of the undecided play to a refrain in my mind of Tina Turner singing “What’s Love Got to Do With It” and I wonder, “What’s like got to do with it?”

Feelings are always genuine

October 30, 2013 by  
Filed under Accept, Featured Posts, Free and Laughing

“Feelings are always genuine” stated Michel, a participant in one of the Transformational Coaching workshop I facilitated last week. We were discussing the issue of giving feedback to people with the intention of “enhancing their effectiveness in a way that they feel helped” (our working definition of coaching with heart). With this simple statement, Michel reminded us that […]

7 steps to finding the positive value in negative emotions

November 17, 2009 by  
Filed under Accept, Featured Posts

There is nothing wrong with negative emotions.  Our emotions, be they negative or positive, simply exist.  When we learn to accept our negative emotions i.e. the emotions that do not serve our good, that feed on our fears (the ultimate negative emotion), then we can learn what this emotion is telling us about ourselves.  Negative […]

How to choose your feelings – and be free!

October 19, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

“You are annoying me” said my teenaged daughter to me the other night.  I hear this often nowadays and I understand it’s quite common in parent/teen relationships. “I am not annoying you.  You choose to be annoyed by me” I quipped. “Well, you are annoying” she retorted as she headed to the sanctuary of her […]

Facing the new and unknown – rest first!

August 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Be Present, Featured Posts

I migrated to Canada on Monday. For the first time in my life, I purchased a one-way ticket. This is a huge step, for not only have I moved, my teenagers have also moved with me. It is a big step for my entire family – including my dogs who will be joining us soon! […]