Friday, February 21, 2025

How I wrote my book – with ease, grace and joy

May 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Love

  I am often asked how I wrote my book and if it was a tedious, painstaking and horrendous process.  It was not.  Indeed, it was a wonderful experience that I remember with joy, because, as I tell people – I did not set out to write a book.  I was simply creating a super […]

Had no idea “ease grace and joy” would feel so easy, graceful and joyous!

June 8, 2011 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

“Ease grace and joy” has been a recurring theme in my blogs and in my life over the past 2 years. I moved to Canada from Jamaica using it as my mantra, and have continued to use it as I settle in to my new life here. I have written at least 7 “Free and […]

Business Strategy – with ease, grace and joy

March 30, 2011 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Love

As a facilitator, one of the most important parts of my preparation for strategy retreats is the Focus Question.  This Big Question sets the tone for the entire exercise – which may extend over a period of days, weeks, months and even years.  Strategy is continuous and ever evolving and it’s easy to lose focus.  […]

Ease, grace and joy – a reminder

April 14, 2010 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

My post today is short and simple: Whenever your life is not flowing with ease, grace and joy, it is a signal to you that  there is a misalginment between you and the Universe . Note well that the Universe is always in its right and perfect place, so it is you who are misaligned. […]

How to … move doggies from Jamaica to Canada with ease, grace and joy

October 7, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Trust

One of my daily affirmations over the past 6 or so months has been: “The dogs move safely and happily to Canada with ease, grace and joy”.  Each morning I have repeated this affirmation, sometimes adding a visualisation of their journey and life here, sometimes a prayer of gratitude, sometimes a quiet meditation. My words […]