Sunday, March 30, 2025

Organizational transformation – and Physics

I was totally lost in my Physics class in high school. I just could not understand it at all. I really thought that physics was about numbers (I was lost in Math as well – I thought that it too was only about numbers). I have since struggled with Math and Stats at university (took […]

Turning my canoe around and floating down the stream of life

October 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Love, Release

The longer I live the more I realize that life is full of challenges and will continue to be so.  Even living free, laughing and joyous has moments of challenges and crises.  And sometimes those moments are long, long moments.   I have recently been through one such m”moment” – 4 or 5 long months […]

The Risk of Asking – a HUGE lesson!

September 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Free and Laughing, Release

The road to the launch last Friday of my first online course “Free and Laughing in Crisis: How to turn moments of Crisis into Opportunity” has been long, and full of surprises!  First I had to redo my website as a platform for the product, and one of the important elements is the testimonial! […]

Crisis and the Olympics

August 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

Over the past 3 weeks, like millions of people the world over, I have been glued to the Olympics.  Unlike my sister, who took vacation so she could totally devote herself to the daily display of grit and glory, I had to work. Or I chose to.   I chose to work because I have […]

Of national crises …. and weeding

August 9, 2011 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Love

I wrote this blog last year May, when there was political turmoil in Jamaica.  I never posted it.  Today, with London burning and stock markets tumbling, it seems just as relevant – my reminder to myself to hold a place of peace.   _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ As the political crisis in my homeland Jamaica took a turn […]

Free and Laughing in Crisis Moments – the e-book soon come!

In recent months, many people have asked me:  “Marguerite: how is it possible to be free and laughing when there is all this turmoil in the world”?  I decided to share my thoughts and the techniques that have worked for me in an e-book, with the hope that it will help people deal with the […]