Friday, February 21, 2025

“No expectations; no disappointments” – 4 simple steps to freedom at work, home and play

February 3, 2011 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Release

“Why do I get so upset at work when my co-workers don’t live up to my expectations”?  asked one of the participants in a coaching workshop I facilitated last week. “No expectations, no disappointments” I flippantly replied “You mean you should NOT have expectations”? asked another “But surely you must, otherwise how will things get […]

How does one release fear?

How does one release fear? How do I release fear? Is it as simple as saying “I release fear”? Yes and No. I have tried saying “I release my fear of ….” over and over with little success. What I have discovered is that I have to go deeper. To truly release fear we must […]

The joy of being cell phone free … and laughing!

December 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Release

My Blackberry  has not been working for the past 10 days.  Not having any wish to be in the Telus Store at this busy time (or frankly, at any time), I have delayed getting it checked out.  Frankly, the more time passes, the more I am experiencing the joys of not having it!  Here are […]

Laughing at the dirty dishes

Each Tuesday evening I teach a class at Ryerson University.  Whilst I enjoy the class immensely, I am quite drained by the time I arrive home.   Typically, I am ravenous, having not eaten since lunchtime.  The thought of relaxing in my warm kitchen, doggies at my feet, happily conversing with my children ushers me down […]

Doing life – eternally

October 4, 2010 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Free and Laughing, Release

My friend Monique Mahima moved on to the next stage of her eternal journey last week.  I shed a few tears, but I also feel this sense of peace, knowing that she did the work that we are all called to do, but which not many actually accomplish.  She went within, looked for meaning, and […]

The blessing of womanhood

This is a long post courtesy of my wisewoman Facebook friend, Pj Samuels.  Her posts are always amazingly deep and insightful and I look forward to them every day, for they typically cause a shift, a validation or simply a lovely feeling.  This one, received a few days ago really honored my womanhood, affirmed my […]

How to cut the emotional chains

July 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Release

“When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” –  Catherine Ponder What wise words from Catherine Ponder.  Today, ask yourself: Who am I holding resentment towards? What effect is this having […]

Getting off the Guilt Trip

Last night I bought a new journal.  I spent a lot of time in the bookstore trying to decide which one to buy – did I like the cover, the size, and the feel of the pages?  All these are important to me as I spend so much time journaling.  I finally settled on a […]

Becoming the Next Top Spiritual Author – Lessons from the video experience

3 weeks ago I entered a competition to find the Next Top Spiritual Author.  It was one of these “coincidences” where I had signed up for an e-mail newsletter the week before, and notification of this competition came soon after.  I IMMEDIATELY logged on and entered. That was the easy part. Then came the journey.  […]

4 questions to ask to turn a disappointment into opportunity

March 23, 2010 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Release

I was all geared up and focused on my first Free and Laughing workshop in Canada, scheduled for March 20.  On Wednesday, with a sinking feeling, I heard the program host explain that registrations were very low and they were recommending that we cancel.  Oh dear ……. Many things flooded through my mind in the […]

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