Thursday, March 27, 2025

Don’t hurry. Be happy

I was late. Again. I scrambled out the door, trailing recriminations at my lateness, lack of preparation, my dilly-dallying to check e-mail, visit Facebook and view the news. I crossed the street in front of my home, pausing midway, a bolt of recall that I had forgotten the gift for my creative writing teacher. Checking […]

Missing Lizards

I miss lizards. Never thought I would think that, having been petrified of them, like most Jamaican women for a good part of my life. Until I had children and decided that I would not pass that irrational fear to them. I miss seeing them skit around the house, big eyes peering as me as […]

DONE is better than perfect

November 13, 2014 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Free and Laughing, Release

I have procrastinated about doing video blogs (vlogs) for a long, long time. Here’s my first one. Lessons learned?

What will you do now that you “no longer”

September 8, 2014 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Release

Came across this quote from Meryl Streep, which I shared on Facebook. Many people shared it as well, stating their total agreement: “I no longer have patience for certain things, not because I’ve become arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I do not want to waste more time with […]

Just reboot

November 20, 2013 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Free and Laughing, Release

My normally very punctual coachee was late for our Skype call. He eventually called on my landline to explain that he wasn’t able to login to Skype, as his password was not being accepted. “Try rebooting” I advised. He did. It worked. Sometimes we just need to reboot our lives. To shut down and start again. When […]


October 18, 2013 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Release

One of the sagest pieces of advice I ever received was from the reknown transformational guru Anthony Robbins. In a seminar I attended he said, “Never question someone’s intentions”. When we question others intentions, all we are doing is making up our own stories about what we think their intentions are. We are trying to make […]

All hail door closers!

When someone closes the door on you, remember that they are still in the room from which you are now free. Today, thank all those who have closed the door in your face or behind you – they have kept you out of their own jail. You are now free to enter new spaces, to […]

Turning my canoe around and floating down the stream of life

October 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Love, Release

The longer I live the more I realize that life is full of challenges and will continue to be so.  Even living free, laughing and joyous has moments of challenges and crises.  And sometimes those moments are long, long moments.   I have recently been through one such m”moment” – 4 or 5 long months […]

The Risk of Asking – a HUGE lesson!

September 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Free and Laughing, Release

The road to the launch last Friday of my first online course “Free and Laughing in Crisis: How to turn moments of Crisis into Opportunity” has been long, and full of surprises!  First I had to redo my website as a platform for the product, and one of the important elements is the testimonial! […]

The stress of not knowing

Sunday evening, my daughter texted me the news that there was no hot water at home.    Hmmm …. I thought … that’s unusual.  I got home late, called the maintenance office and was told that a main had burst.  “Call back tomorrow morning to find out what’s happening”.   Monday morning dawned, and so did […]

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