Thursday, March 27, 2025

Seventy Times Seven

December 16, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

Like most people, I used to think that forgiveness was about letting others off the hook. I thought it meant telling someone that I forgave him or her. I thought it was something I proffered magnanimously to others, ensconced in my rightness. I thought it something that I doled out to the deserving like tablespoons of water to someone dying of thirst.

From Sleep Dis-Order to Sleep In-order – how to change a habit

November 24, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

“No exercise for 3 to 4 weeks,” ordered the doctor following a minor operating procedure. “Are you serious?” I demanded, his statement jolting me out of the end stages of anaesthesia. I had recently signed up for a 30-day Bikram Yoga Challenge in which I would be doing a 90-minute class every day for 30 days. My […]

My 30-day Challenge – the HOW is revealed

When I committed to the Bikram 30-day Challenge, I knew I would be travelling at the end of February and so would fall short of the 30 days. Yet I had no hesitation in writing my name on the board because I knew I would finish … somehow. The way to complete the challenge would be revealed to […]

Challenging myself for 30 days

January 31, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

I signed up for my first Bikram Yoga 30-day challenge two days ago.   Yesterday at 9.05 a.m., I opened my front door, took the first step into -12o weather and headed to my class. One step at a time on sidewalks and streets filmed over with snow, ice and salt, I moved forward. Nothing was […]

Are you the star of “The Busy Show”?

September 29, 2014 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Free and Laughing, Practice

I often hear people singing how busy they are, with the greatest of glee – “I am SO busy” … as if it’s some type of badge of honour. Such people are late to meetings, constantly checking their phones, shuffling papers and generally just rushing from one moment to the next. Sometimes for amusement, I […]

What you say about others reveals more about you than them

Recently, someone said something to me that I found inexplicable and hurtful. The person accused me of being arrogant and causing offense. Now that is not my intention at all of how I want to live my life. Nor has anyone accused me of that (at least not recently). I was really perplexed and I wanted […]

Do IT Now

I struggle with procrastination.  It is a lifelong habit that I have been determined to break.  But as the years pass, I have mellowed a bit and have come to accept procrastination as part of who I am.  Having accepted, I am now free to notice.  And I notice that it’s not everything that I […]

Life Skills that are truly LIFE skills

What skills are truly important in life? What skills should we be teaching every child? Here’s my list so far – what would you add? Meditation – the ability to calm the mind, be still, focus, let go of thoughts and just breathe are invaluable benefits of meditation. How peaceful our world would be if […]

5 ways to make sure the right people and ideas get to you!

February 19, 2013 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice, Work

  Every leader has gatekeepers – people who limit and control access. This is most understandable, as the leader cannot possibly respond to every request personally. Who are these gatekeepers (or “handlers” as I now hear as the new, sexy title)? They are the assistants, deputies, receptionists, security, electronic filters on recruitment sites – may […]


  Like millions of people the world over, you are probably thinking about or actually engaged in setting New Year’s resolutions. Forget last year, the goals you send and didn’t achieve (yet again). This is is a NEW year, the year when things WILL change for you. Or so we all say. We are bombarded […]

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