Thursday, March 27, 2025

I asked a new question … and magic happened

January 26, 2017 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Observe

I travelled 138 days in 2016. I had a great time living bold and wandering far, working with my clients throughout the Caribbean, climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro, trekking through India and celebrating superhuman feats at the Rio Olympics. But I gained 10 lbs, was inconsistent with exercise and sleep was elusive. I brimmed with joy to […]

What’s “like” got to do with it?

October 20, 2016 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Observe

The agony of the US presidential election, which has captivated North America, and, perhaps much of the world, is at last coming to a close. The voices of the undecided play to a refrain in my mind of Tina Turner singing “What’s Love Got to Do With It” and I wonder, “What’s like got to do with it?”

Just do you

September 16, 2016 by  
Filed under Be Present, Featured Posts, Observe

I was there in the Estabio Olimpico in Rio when Usain Bolt-Ed his way into legenddom, winning each of his 3 gold medals. I witnessed Elaine Thompson win her 2 golds and a relay silver as well as Shelley-Anne Fraser-Pryce conquering her biggest opponent – her injured big toe to win the bronze medal 100m run and anchor the relay team to silver. So much inspiration, so many reminders that greatness and world domination do not belong only to the 1st World. It’s there in each of us, no matter where we are born.

Words of comfort may not be so comforting

November 16, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Observe

Death is the big unknown in our lives. What is known and certain is that we, or at least our bodies, will die. But that’s where the certainty ends, for we don’t know for sure what happens after. As we grow older the reality of death looms ever closer – our parents die, our friends, sometimes our children. […]

The Challenge With Having All Our Needs Met

November 12, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Observe

Many years ago I was going through a particularly challenging time financially.  I shared this with my friend John, and he introduced me to the affirmation:  “All my needs are met”.   It worked!  I noticed that “magically”, all my needs were being met – household bills, debt payments, etc.  I would get just enough money, […]

The Power of “I AM”

October 5, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Observe

The scintillating performances of World’s Fastest Man Usain Bolt at the World Championships in Beijing are still on my mind, he having now chalked up 11 gold medals at the Worlds and 6 at the Olympics. “I am a legend,” he declared in 2012. Some thought him arrogant to make that declaration. Now, 3 years […]

I Have No Clue

September 7, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Free and Laughing, Observe

A few years ago, I decided to speak at MoMondays, a very popular event in Toronto and other cities in Canada and the USA. Michel, the organizer gave me a date and then asked for my topic. “I have no clue what I am going to speak about,” I told him. Somehow I found a topic just […]

So what’s new about humans?

In 1748 a time capsule was discovered when the remains of the Roman city of Pompeii were unearthed. The city had been sealed in a moment of time for almost 2,000 years with the violent eruption of the Mount Vesuvius volcano in AD79. A pyroclastic flow engulfed it and its inhabitants in a matter of seconds, killing all […]

Not complaining, just observing

“It’s hotter outside than in the studio” I declared to David, my Bikram yoga teacher as I checked in for the noon class. “But I am not complaining” I added without pause “Just observing” remembering days not too long past of trudging to yoga in -31 degree weather. What’s the difference between a complaint and an observation? “It’s […]

Everything is easier when you are light

I had been drawn to Bikram yoga all week, something nudging me, telling me that I need to go. I usually run on Saturday mornings, but my running group were all off on adventures of various sorts – cottage country, kayaking in the Arctic, travelling overseas. I decided not to set my alarm, intending to […]

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