Thursday, March 27, 2025

The grace of a winner

November 18, 2016 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Free and Laughing

Saturday November 12, Wolmer’s, my high school in Jamaica, won a major schoolboy football competition (the real football … where feet actually move the ball, known as the “beautiful game” to 95% of the world, but to North Americans as “soccer”). It was a close match, the winning goal scored in the final 3 minutes. […]

Evil Will Not Win

November 14, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Free and Laughing, Love

On the evening of June 17, 2015, a young man walked into the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina with terror in his heart. For an hour he sat with the group gathered for a prayer meeting. Then he turned his thoughts into action and opened fire. His bullets were meant to start […]

I Have No Clue

September 7, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Free and Laughing, Observe

A few years ago, I decided to speak at MoMondays, a very popular event in Toronto and other cities in Canada and the USA. Michel, the organizer gave me a date and then asked for my topic. “I have no clue what I am going to speak about,” I told him. Somehow I found a topic just […]

Grace under pressure

August 25, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Free and Laughing, Love

5.30 a.m. and I was awake. Sleep eluded me this first morning of my return home from a week-long business trip. I crawled out of bed, made coffee, tried to meditate but nothing could settle me. The semi-finals of the Men’s 100m sprint finals at the World Athletics Championships in Beijing were due in 90 minutes, with the […]

So what’s new about humans?

In 1748 a time capsule was discovered when the remains of the Roman city of Pompeii were unearthed. The city had been sealed in a moment of time for almost 2,000 years with the violent eruption of the Mount Vesuvius volcano in AD79. A pyroclastic flow engulfed it and its inhabitants in a matter of seconds, killing all […]

Not complaining, just observing

“It’s hotter outside than in the studio” I declared to David, my Bikram yoga teacher as I checked in for the noon class. “But I am not complaining” I added without pause “Just observing” remembering days not too long past of trudging to yoga in -31 degree weather. What’s the difference between a complaint and an observation? “It’s […]

Marguerite is a HuffPost Blogger – and her “gladbag buss”!

April 27, 2015 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Free and Laughing, Work

There’s a saying in Jamaica “Mi gladbag buss” which means “I am overflowing with joy.” And that’s exactly how I feel now that I am a Huffpost blogger. Here’s my first post: From JOB to JOY: How to Find JOY at Work, No Matter What Your Job Is Please feel free to comment, share widely […]

Don’t hurry. Be happy

I was late. Again. I scrambled out the door, trailing recriminations at my lateness, lack of preparation, my dilly-dallying to check e-mail, visit Facebook and view the news. I crossed the street in front of my home, pausing midway, a bolt of recall that I had forgotten the gift for my creative writing teacher. Checking […]

My 30-day Challenge – the HOW is revealed

When I committed to the Bikram 30-day Challenge, I knew I would be travelling at the end of February and so would fall short of the 30 days. Yet I had no hesitation in writing my name on the board because I knew I would finish … somehow. The way to complete the challenge would be revealed to […]

Missing Lizards

I miss lizards. Never thought I would think that, having been petrified of them, like most Jamaican women for a good part of my life. Until I had children and decided that I would not pass that irrational fear to them. I miss seeing them skit around the house, big eyes peering as me as […]

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