Friday, May 3, 2024

Free and laughing at the car wash

October 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Observe

Free and laughing at the car wash

Free and laughing at the car wash

Canada is full of new and wonderful experiences!  A week after I arrived I did something I had wanted to do for years – I went to the car wash!   In Jamaica, the car wash is typically a man with a bucket and rag.  The experience of an automated, drive-through car wash is new to me.  For years I had watched it longingly in the movies – now I was going to experience it for myself.

My friend had very kindly lent me her car, and I decided to return it clean.  So off we went to the car wash.  I felt like I was going on a ride at Disney or Busch Gardens.  I ordered the Ultimate Wash – full works!  Then I drove to the wash machine, positioned the car on the track and shifted to neutral gear.  “GO” said the green light.  I turned up the music and our adventure started.  At first, my children thought their mom was crazy!  Shane was cracking up with laughter as I jigged with joy.  “Vicky!  Look at Mummy”!  But Vicky was busy taking photographs of the multi-hued cleaning solution splashing on the windshield!  All too soon our car wash ended with the blowers magically dispensing all traces of liquid. I ticked off another experience on my “to do” list.

As I muse on this experience I remember that we do not need to wait for special occasions to feel joy and happiness.  Every occasion can be special if we greet it with a sense of wonder.  Children do it all the time.  I recall many years ago Victoria showing Shane the flushing of a heavy duty toilet in a fast food restaurant with great excitement!  “Look Shane” as they both peered with eyes opened wide at the swirling water!  My schooled response was to say “move away from that nasty thing”.  My instinct was to allow them to be caught up in the moment – even if they were exposed to a few germs.

Magic in every moment – that’s what being free and laughing is all abont.  Do not be afraid of being like a child.  Don’t worry about what people will say.  Just be present to the fun, the joy and magic of every moment.

Later that evening, Shane and I experienced some more fun.  We used the self-serve checkout at the supermarket.  “Check this out Shane” I said as we scanned and packed our items.  And when we made a mistake, we happily called the attendant, not worrying what she was thinking of us.  We were free and laughing, and each time she had to help us, she was laughing too!

Today, look for the magic in your everyday moments.  Look at them as a child would.  And know that this is what life is all about – being present to every moment.


11 Responses to “Free and laughing at the car wash”
  1. nerakami says:

    I watched a movie yesterday where John Travolta was an angel and he said;
    “Laughter is the gateway to love” – I thought about you…

  2. Sharon Almerigi says:

    I can relate to your car wash experience. I have always enjoyed them. They’re a bit scary and that’s part of the fun. I’m glad to see you are having fun in your new location. thanks for the inspiration. Much love, sharon

  3. Nadine Sinclair says:

    I love it.. I am trying to the best I can also with just living in the moment. Even if it is just to sit and watch the sunlight or watch my children laughing at a movie or TV Show, I am enjoying every moment.

    By the way, I am still Free and Laughing since your book reading in Mandeville at Gaia Day Spa

    Enjoy every moment

  4. Nadine Sinclair says:

    Just remembered something a friend told me the other day…. She said to Create special moments for your children.. of course you just did that with your children at the Car Wash.. It does not have to be GRANDE or expensive it just has to be special to you…

    Peace and Love

  5. Ann Marie E. Campbell says:

    Hi Margaret,
    I also enjoy laughing and in my heart I am free. We just have to be sensitive to other people and cultures though. When I was in grad school a female student from one of the counties of the former Soviet Union got so upset when I laughed out loud in a group discussion that she broke down into tears. I was not laughing at her at all…just reacting in my Jamaican way to a “tough” sitiation. I apologised to her as well as the group and moved on.

  6. freeandlaughing says:

    Thanks Ann Marie – so happy you are experiencing the joy and freedom of laughter. Yes, unfortunately, so people are hurt by laughter. You did the right thing – apologise! Keep laughing!



  7. freeandlaughing says:

    So true Nadine. Indeed, if we think back to our childhood, it’s those little moments that we remember with so much joy! Our children are the same. I am sure that many years from now, Shane and Victoria will say to each other “Remember the time when Mummy drove us through the carwash”? And they will chuckle with a warm and fuzzy feeling!

  8. Maurice Anthony says:

    We have often heard the saying that perception is reality. It just hit me hard to think that what one thinks about you is what is real about you. I want to get your view. As I think on it I am driven to accept that if sufficient numbers of people perceive a situation then it may well be reality as perception is itself a social force that motivate certain responses. If I perceive that this mechanic is “ginnal” a Jamaican parlance, I would not allow him to fix my car.

  9. freeandlaughing says:


    Interesting thought. Here’s my take: I believe that what one thinks about you is not your reality – it is theirs. So your perceiving the mechanic is a ginnal is not his/her reality – he/she may or may not be a ginnal. But it IS your reality – for you take action based on your perception of ginnalship, thereby making it real for you. Meanwhile, the mechanic is just off doing his/her thing, irregardless of what you think of him/her. What’s important to you is what you think about yourself. For that will determine the decisions and actions you take.



  10. carlene clarke says:

    As i read your car wash experience I was smiling. I could almost hear the laughter. I feel I should made a list of things that would made me laugh and work on them.Thanks for the inspiration.

  11. Cherryl says:

    I just love this post! I too for many years have tried to envision in my mind’s eye the car wash experience. It sounds like fun! The next time I’m in the US I will make it one of the top things to do on my list. All the best MO!