Sunday, March 30, 2025

Don’t hurry. Be happy

Making decisionsI was late. Again. I scrambled out the door, trailing recriminations at my lateness, lack of preparation, my dilly-dallying to check e-mail, visit Facebook and view the news.

I crossed the street in front of my home, pausing midway, a bolt of recall that I had forgotten the gift for my creative writing teacher. Checking my bag, spinning 180° – should I return home – and another 180° – should I continue – I retraced my steps.

The gift, my daughter’s book of poetry and short stories was not on the kitchen table where I last saw it in the haze of my pre-coffee morning. With a groan, I splayed open my bag one last time and there the book lay in the folds of the inner pockets. Spinning again, I was out the door, my journey resumed with haste, for now I was really late.

Then the cardinal’s song wafted into my hearing. “Slow down, be present” I heard him chirp. I halted, looked high in the tree and there he was in resplendent red whilst his drab wife fluttered in the branches below. In sync with his notes I exhaled. In that moment the most important thing to me was the majesty of the cardinal’s song. To hell with being late for class, with disappointing my fellow students and my teacher, with being out of integrity, with failing to master my life. He was singing his heart out just for me.

Heart rate slowed, smile in my step, I resumed my journey to the subway station, now with the purpose of enjoyment. “The Universe is always on time” I whispered, “and so am I”.

What a lovely trip to class – a seat on the train welcomed me, I walked through the stations without hurry and even had time to purchase a cup of coffee from the lovely Grenadian lady at Starbucks. And I did get to class on time, humming Bobby McFerrin’s song but taking a little liberty with his words and singing “Don’t hurry … be happy”.

If you are hurrying about today, slow down and sing-along:

Don’t hurry – spend 4 minutes viewing the video for even more happiness!


2 Responses to “Don’t hurry. Be happy”
  1. Marguerite Orane says:

    I received this e-mail from Marva. So happy my post helped her.


    Thanks for slowing me down just now. I so needed that. I opened this from this morning and told myself I would go back and read it. Well just now doing it. Why? Because I am in a rush to finish my year end activities and increasing my heart rate for no good reason. So I slowing down to express my appreciation to you for sharing this most timely and important reminder. I am even typing slowly

    Do have a great rest of day


  2. Catherine Davis Smith says:

    Loved this Marguerite.
    Thanks much