Challenging myself for 30 days
January 31, 2015 by Marguerite Orane
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

I committed – and am smiling at completing Day 1
I signed up for my first Bikram Yoga 30-day challenge two days ago. Yesterday at 9.05 a.m., I opened my front door, took the first step into -12o weather and headed to my class. One step at a time on sidewalks and streets filmed over with snow, ice and salt, I moved forward. Nothing was stopping me …. at least, not on that day.
I did have a few second thoughts about this whole Bikram Challenge (It’s too cold! Why don’t I wait for summer when it’s warm? Am I crazy? I don’t have to do this! Yada yada yada). But those dissipated along with the near-vertical snow blowing in my face because I was committed and prepared.
I had decided to do the Challenge when I was in Jamaica a few days prior. It seemed like such a good idea then – so easy – just get up each day and walk to class. On my return to Toronto, I did a pre-Challenge class after which I proudly wrote my name on the board. My commitment was no longer my closely-guarded secret – it was public.
Writing my name on the board was easy – how was I going to back up my stated commitment with action? My action-orientation tracked into ready-mode – I needed to have a simple system that would support me. To do the class every day, there are two critical things – I have to know what time the classes are and I have to make sure I have everything I need for the class.
So I placed ALL the yoga classes for the next week in my calendar, so that I would be able to plan my appointments around one class per day. That spurred changing the time of an appointment yesterday to facilitate my starting on schedule. Secondly, I packed my bag from the night before. Everything was ready at the door of my bedroom – mat, yogawear, water bottle, towels, house keys. I had no excuse e.g. “I can’t find my (fill in the blanks) so I can’t go today”.
And that’s how I made it out the door despite the weather. I was prepared.
Here’s the thing – it’s easy to state a commitment. But making the commitment requires actions consistent with that commitment. And that means different behaviours. Such behaviours do not happen because we wish them, but because we decide what they are and put in place systems to support us.
So, will I be going to class on Day 2? Well, my bag is already packed from last night, and my calendar has already told me via IPhone, IPad and MacBook that having missed the 10.00 a.m. class, I can attend the 4.00 p.m. class. No excuses, because I am committed and prepared.
I have to follow you, always setting challenges. I like me to do the same, but not often as you.
Marguerite I think you are a brave brave woman. Bikram yoga was on my distant radar, but haven’t plucked up the courage yet to try the one in Kingston … looking forward to hearing your reports … Good luck
Thanks Carmen. Try Bikram at least a few times. It really is quite a challenge.
Thanks Paul. That’s what life’s about – stepping out of my comfort zone!
I love Bikram Hot Yoga, travel too much to do the 30 day challenge!
Good for you Marguerite, much more of us need to realize that positive, consistent action is the key to achieving your goal.
All The best, I will be cheering for you all the way to the finish line.
Thank you Verna. Sentiments like yours keep me going .. especially this afternoon when I will be trudging (or sashaying?) through 6″ of snow and minus 13 weather! But yes, I will remember your words of encouragement and just DO IT!
Much love and blessings
Hi Wendy. Check out my latest blog as I share my experience with “balancing” Challenge and travel.
Love and blessings