Friday, February 21, 2025

DONE is better than perfect

November 13, 2014 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Free and Laughing, Release

I have procrastinated about doing video blogs (vlogs) for a long, long time. Here’s my first one. Lessons learned?

  1. It takes a lot more time to put something off than to do it.
  2. It’s easier to do something than we think it will be.
  3. Perfection adds nothing if it’s not done

What are you procrastinating about today? Just do it, imperfections and all.


7 Responses to “DONE is better than perfect”
  1. Silke says:

    You’re so right about it Marguerite – the stories we make up in our head, before getting started, seem to be the biggest obstacles and not the undertaking itself. Thanks for this inspiring kick off and motivation, to simply do it.

  2. Marguerite Orane says:

    You are most welcome Silke. And thank you for helping me get things DONE! And PERFECT!



  3. Nigel Romano says:

    Well done. Great advice. It is so much more important to keep those promises knowing that you and the entire team involved will be much better for it. And what’s more, better equipped to deliver again while constantly learning and growing and getting better.

  4. Eve says:

    Marguerite, it is uncanny that today of all days I saw your video. I have been procrastinating on an assignment that is due TODAY! I have had several days head start and still didn’t get it done. You see at age 56 I am doing my master’s degree and therefore feel that I should get 100% for ALL assignments for my course. I started in January and have been getting “A”s but on my last assignment I received a blow…I got a “B”!

    It may sound counterproductive or crazy but I realized after watching your video that it was fear…I feared doing my best (which I have doing from the beginning) would not be enough to get an “A” on this assignment so I have not done it yet, figuring that by submitting it late, points will be deducted anyway therefore no “A”! Remember I did say earlier that it may sound counterproductive or crazy!

    However, I am going to focus on submitting the assignment on time because by getting it DONE increases the possibility of getting an “A”! Who knows?! Thanks Marguerite for the PERFECT timing of your first video! I actually now think getting it DONE is PERFECT!

  5. Marguerite Orane says:

    What a story Eve! Thanks for sharing and inspiring. Good luck!

    And BTW, in my opinion, 56 is the PERFECT age to be doing your masters degree. Indeed, any age is.



  6. Andrea Orane says:

    Oh yes..Resonating with me today Margie!
    I’ve been procrastinating to do a video testimonial for an upcoming fundraiser .

    Waiting for the perfect perfection so have been spinning my wheels and not getting anywhere!

    Thanks for the PUSH lesson!


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