Saturday, February 22, 2025

Organising to Procrastinate

September 2, 2014 by  
Filed under Accept, Featured Posts, Free and Laughing

Busy womanI am an inveterate procrastinator, perennially last minute about most things. When I heard about “just-in-time” management some years ago, I did a huge fist-bump and a “YES”. My approach to work and life had finally been validated.

Yet I continued to struggle with procrastination. Because procrastination is painted in a negative light, invariably, it has caused me stress. I read every article on it (eventually) and tried the usual advice, tips and techniques. Yet nothing worked. I continued to procrastinate. Because, you see, I also found out that procrastination has served me well. You know, when you have something to do, keep putting it off until it’s too late. And then you find yourself saying “What a good thing I didn’t …..”. I have had many such moments that cause me to wonder if when I procrastinate, it’s really some inner guidance at work.

Over time I have changed my relationship with procrastination. Now it no longer bothers me. I feel no stress about it anymore. And here’s what I did:

  1. I accepted that I procrastinate. It’s just me. I am not apologizing nor making excuses. I procrastinate.
  2. I released judgement about it – it’s neither good nor bad.
  3. I put systems in place that support my procrastination. For example:
    • I always have a bag packed for my yoga class. Since I am inevitably racing through the door with minutes to spare, I just grab and go. As soon as I return, I wash everything and repack the bag.
    • My running gear for my long runs is always packed and ready to go. I have arranged my running belt, shoes, cap, and jackets in a specific cupboard. Again, I am invariably racing through the door with minutes to spare to meet my running group. I just grab and go, and turn up on time and smiling.
    • I have a stock of everything I need for my workshops, all organized in 6 drawer units. This is so important to me, since my creative planning juices germinate but don’t activate until a day or two before a workshop (sometimes the wee hours prior), no matter how far in advance it has been planned. And that’s how I am able to turn up looking, and being poised and prepared.

It boils down to this:

  1. Accept who you are
  2. Release judgement
  3. Put things in place to support you as you are

How simple life is as a free and laughing procrastinator!!!!




11 Responses to “Organising to Procrastinate”
  1. Eve says:

    Marguerite I feel your pain because I feel I have a gold medal for procrastination. I too have stopped fighting it because I too have recognized that, for me anyway, it is the rudder that steers this boat! I have investigated and determined that I procrastinate when I cannot (or don’t want to) make a decision and by delaying action, 99.9% of the time the result is gratifying and satisfying! I shrug my shoulders at the failures (the 0.1% times) and use them as life’s lessons for future procrastination!

  2. Marguerite Orane says:

    No pain anymore Eve – I am enjoying being me, the great, organised procrastinator!

    Much love and blessings


  3. Eve says:

    I agree…no more pain…just acceptance…and love of self:-) Life’s good!

  4. Francis says:

    Hi Marguerite,

    In the acceptance of who you are and the accompanying judgement, how do you address your high pay-off activities? Especially those that require forward planning and those who are precursors to other significant milestones?


  5. Marguerite Orane says:

    Dear Francis

    What a lovely question! Here’s what I have found – once I accept that I procrastinate and I release the judgement that it is bad, I get very clear on what’s really important and how I can organise myself to get things done. And frankly, in the acceptance of my procrastination, I also accept that there are times when things don’t go as planned/desired. So I may not turn up as prepared as I would like. But it turns out just fine as I don’t remain stuck in a maelstrom of self-flagellation. Accept, no judgement, Plan A didn’t work? Accept, no judgement, then on to Plan B. It also helps too that I am VERY deadline-driven. I just always leave things until the deadline – whether the deadline is a big one (catching a flight) or a 2.00 p.m. call! So the “precursors to other significant milestones” are my deadlines.

    Francis – you have to figure out what works for you. What I know has made a BIG difference to me are the first 2 steps – ACCEPT and RELEASE JUDGEMENT. Then the other stuff becomes clear.

    Blessings always


  6. Carol says:

    Hi Marguerite, and I thought I was the champion procrastinator! For me it’s the adrenaline rush of the last possible minute when you have no other choice but to get it done, and miraculously, I always do! I tell myself I do my best work under pressure, and like the diamond, I sparkle when unearthed. I too release judgement about it, and just accept my process. Admittedly, it might not be the healthiest approach, but it works for me, and I always look forward to that special tingle of accomplishment, when against all odds, you can say “YES! I DID IT!”

  7. Marguerite Orane says:

    That’s exactly What happens with me! And that’s exactly how my best work gets done. So I have accepted it as the healthiest way – for me – free and laughing procrastinator!

    United in procrastination


  8. Eve says:

    Thanks for bringing up the subject Marguerite. It helps to know I am not alone in procrastinating as it actually works! I am sure it is not for everyone though. As Carol too said, when I am facing my deadline and the adrenaline kicks in I do my best work. Recently I left a school assignment until the night before it was due because I thought I had it in the bag! I was wrong! I did not go to bed that night as my goal was to finish it by any means! I finished it at 6 the next morning and it was SO exhilarating I skipped bed altogether and had a great day! I of course slept like a baby the next night! By the way, I received an “A” grade, underscoring my belief that I do my best work under pressure!

  9. Marguerite Orane says:

    That’s how it rolls. So I organise myself knowing that I am going to be up late/all night – no appointments in the day or afternoon so I can catch up on sleep. Works for me. Everyone has to find it. But first step is to accept and then release judgement.

    United in procrastination


  10. Eve says:

    I agree Marguerite. With acceptance and freedom from judgement comes release from any negative thoughts whatsoever, and all is well. United indeed! Thanks again. I look forward with great anticipation to your next subject.


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