Friday, March 28, 2025


November 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Free and Laughing

“Sorry, not my Thanksgiving Day today”

I am so tempted to say this when I am wished “Happy Thanksgiving Day” on this special American holiday.   Thanksgiving Day is not a tradition in my Jamaican culture, and the national Thanksgiving Day in Canada takes place in October.  So why do non-Americans insist on wishing me “Happy Thanksgiving Day”? And should I respond in kind?

Yes I should and I do.  Today is Thanksgiving Day.  And so is tomorrow, and the next day, and March 25, July 9, September 30 and every single day of the year.  I can never give too much thanks.  It’s impossible.

So today, I am giving thanks that Americans the world over come together on this one day and give thanks for their blessings. This is the one day that Americans universally recognize as being a holiday (a holy day?).  It is a lovely idea, no matter the history, to unite and give thanks.  I am giving thanks that they are kind enough to share their Thanksgiving with the rest of the world.  I am giving thanks for all those who wish me “Happy Thanksgiving Day”.  And as always, as I do every day, I am giving thanks for the multitude of blessings in my life.

Happy Thanksgiving Day today and every day!

“One Love, One Heart.  Let’s get together and feel alright” – Bob Marley


Happy Thanksgiving?


4 Responses to “Sorry”
  1. Donovan manning says:

    Gratitude. It’s such a fertile soil. Now add a little peace.

    Always in love and courage,

  2. Donovan manning says:

    Donovan, there’s no such thing as too much gratitude. Because the more of it you express, the more reasons you’ll be given to express it.

    Sure beats Twister,
    The Universe

  3. Marguerite Orane says:

    Nice thing about gratitude – when we are in a state of grace, peace comes automatically

  4. Marguerite Orane says:

    Yes D – you cannot out-thank the Universe. Impossible!