Friday, February 21, 2025

Ask ….. it WILL be given – 3 lessons

September 12, 2012 by  
Filed under Accept, Work

I asked for camping and I got it!


Two Sundays ago, as my family and I headed home after a glorious day at the beach, I joyously and animatedly said to my brother-in-law “Arsenio – next year we are going camping!”


Well, wouldn’t you know that the Universe didn’t hear the “next year” part – all it heard was “We are going camping”.  And so in less than 24 hours a friend called to say that someone had cancelled on his canoe/camping trip the very next weekend and would I like to come.


I hesitated and told him I would let him know later that evening.  I hemmed and hawed.  And then I realized that I was being given what I had asked for, and I had a choice to allow  the experience into my life or not.  And so I went.


There are 3 lessons, or rather reminders, for me:

  1. When you ask for something, it will be given.  It always is.  The only issue is …. Do you accept?
  2. “Time” is a human construct.  We have created the illusion of time to try to keep the illusion of order in our lives.  When I said “next year”, I was putting my human limitations on the ask.  I had already put the limiting throughts of “summer is over, too cold for camping, I don’t have the gear, I need to save money for gear, I need to learn how to camp, yada yada”.  Indeed, all those things were taken care of – I went with a delightful group of very patient people who provided everything I needed for my first camping trip!
  3. The state you are in when you ask is in direct relation to the response.  The higher one’s vibration of joy, the more immediate the response.  I was SO happy that day at the beach, so when I said “camping”, I attracted almost instant gratification (by the way, I am reading “The Law of Attraction” by Jerry and Esther Hicks, which speaks to the importance of raising our vibration).  And because I was in such a joyous state when I asked, the camping trip was just wonderful (despite 24 hours of solid rain ….. lol)


The principle of “ask and it is given”  is universal and applies in all areas of our lives – work, family, spiritual, health, relationships.  It’s just for us to apply it with the absolute certainty that it will work.  Because it will.



2 Responses to “Ask ….. it WILL be given – 3 lessons”
  1. Norma Burton says:

    Absolutely positive vibrations. Ask.Believe.Receive.Be Thankful. Loving this article on today – raised vibrations. (((‘_’)))

  2. Marguerite Orane says:

    Yes Norma – totally positive! As Bob Marley sang – “Positive vibration! Live if you wanna live”

    Love in abundance and blessings always!