Friday, February 21, 2025

Jamaican Lady Got Personal Growth On Ski Slope

March 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Free and Laughing, Practice

When I moved to Toronto in 2009, one of the best pieces of advice I received from Canadians was that to enjoy winter, I should find a winter sport.  In my second winter, I tried iceskating – had great fun, even though I spent quite a bit of the time on my butt.


Now in my third winter, I decided to start skiing.  I have been having the time of my life and am totally hooked.  I have already invested in ski gear and am now looking for great deals on equipment, in preparation for a very busy 2012/13 winter season.  Now when it snows, I smile.  I am even a bit (just a bit) sad that we have had such a short winter!


My instructor, Clint Cora, surprised and delighted me with a video he did on my ski experience.  He is so right – I DID get personal growth.  I was reminded that:

  • ‘Yes I can” do anything I set my mind to
  • Asking for help is the best way to learn a new skill quickly – Clint is such a caring and compassionate coach!
  • The quality of my experiences are a result of how I look at them – and not the experience itself.  Note that I am now looking forward to next winter (even as I look forward to spring and summer)
  • It’s never too late to learn.  Yes, I am in my 50s (ooohh ….) but I still have that daredevil streak in me that keeps me pushing my limits!
  • Fear shouldn’t stop you – just do whatever you want in spite of the fear (like tackling the blue slope)


Here is the link to Clint’s video – you can’t miss me – I am the little pink bunny happily sliding down the hill!



4 Responses to “Jamaican Lady Got Personal Growth On Ski Slope”
  1. lindsay k says:

    My heartiest congratulations! I learnt to ride a bike last summer, so I can share in your feelings of delight and pride! I learnt a new word – eustress, which means good stress, and learning to ski in one’s 50’s is truly a brilliant example of eustress!


  2. Love it! I lived in New York for several years. And I did not enjoy the 3 to 4 Months of Winter each year. If it were not for work, I would have hibernated indoors until the Spring 🙂 Never thought of embracing it like you have. Happy and inspired by you. Have fun on the slopes!

  3. Marguerite Orane says:

    When we stop being curious, we stop learning. When we stop learning we stop living. Many walking dead among us, just going through the motions of “life”. COngrats to you too on learning to ride a bicycle – what’s the project this summer?

  4. Marguerite Orane says:

    Never too late Stephanie – learn something new today. Water skiing?