Saturday, February 22, 2025

Stress-free …. and laughing!

Do you feel like you are drowning in things to do yet accomplishing very little

Are you starved for time to take care of loved ones … and yourself?

Do you feel anxious, worried, and nervous about ….. (fill in the blanks)?


In other words, are you stressed?


This word “STRESS” has come to represent one of the greatest threats to human joy and freedom.  It is a serious malady of our 21st century existence, and is the underlying cause of many a dire illness.   Almost everyone complains about the stress in their lives – work, school, family, even love and play!  We seem powerless over this parasite called STRESS that robs us of our energy, happiness, health and joy.


That’s the bad news.  The good news is that it does not have to be this way!


We CAN live in a way that is joyous and free, despite the situations we find ourselves in, and the people with whom we interact.  Indeed, we are MEANT to live this way.


I am so delighted to partner with Afya Yoga Studio in Kingston Jamaica on Saturday July 9, to present a 3 hour workshop “Stress-Free and Laughing”.  Join me  to explore together how to “deal with”, “manage” and take stress in stride.  I will share my tried and proven Stress-Free and Laughing secrets so that we can all move our lives to places of joy and laughter.


In just 3 hours, we will:

  1. Observe ourselves in the moment, which is the only place where stress is powerless
  2. Experience what it feels like to be present – get a taste of what it feels like to be stress-free
  3. Identify our stressors and begin the process of release
  4. Learn practical techniques for increasing our present moments
  5. Celebrate who we are, as we are!
  6. Experience joy and laughter and have a whole load of FUN!


For more information visit:

OR Call: 876.977.6735


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