Saturday, February 22, 2025

After the ecstasy …. the dirty dishes

May 16, 2011 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice


Over the past three days I have been immersed in a sea of consciousness, bathed in the calming, soothing sea of grace at the “I Can Do It” Conference in Toronto.  I swam with luminaries such as Louise Hay, Gregg Braden, Marianne Williamson, Cheryl Richardson and Bruce Lipton.  I frolicked and played with 3,000 fellow seekers on the road to enlightenment.  OH what a feast!  Oh what a celebration of life!  My life will NEVER be the same.

This morning I awoke to greet the first day of the rest of my beautiful, ecstatic and amazing life.  I meditated as I had promised myself to do everyday from henceforth on;  I journaled, as I usually do and I restarted my morning yoga routine, something I had been putting off for a long time.  Then I went downstairs and …….


My son had not taken out the garbage

My daughter had not washed the dishes

The kitchen floor was a mess

The bathrooms were yucky

There were clothes scattered all over the living room

The dogs had blessed the floor

Sigh ……


Now high on my list of things I least like to do is cleaning the house.  I LOVE when my house is clean – I just don’t like to do it.  But I felt this urging, perhaps whispered in my ear by my mom’s guiding spirit “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”.  And so I started to clean.


The last room was the bathroom.  As I knelt and scrubbed the bathtub I heard myself grumbling.  And I stopped. Because I also heard the voice of the last speaker at the conference, Bruce Lipton reminding me of the importance of PRACTICE in making the “honeymoon” last.  And so I moved into a state of grace and gave thanks for having a house to clean, the wherewithal to afford this house, a bathtub, the time on Monday morning available to clean it.  I even burst into my favourite song “I’m so glad, I feel so good, every little thing in my life is well”.  Oh what a celebration of life!  Oh what a joy!


So here is my thought this beautiful Monday morning – what are you saying and what are you practicing?  Are you praising the grace of God but complaining about your job, your spouse, your children, your house, your body, and so on?    Are you groaning that it’s Monday instead of being thankful that you have a job to go to?  Are you beating up on yourself for all the food you ate on the weekend instead of being thankful for the grace that provided such a feast?  Are you complaining about your children not doing the dishes instead of being thankful for them being in your life?


It is these “little moments of grace” that bring our lives into alignment with our higher purpose and that open us to our higher good.  Yes, the conference and all the speakers were wonderful.  Yes, I bought the books, the inspiration cards, the journals.  That’s all good.  But what will make the difference is my moment by moment practice; my moment by moment shift from fear to love; my moment by moment recognition of just how blessed I am.




5 Responses to “After the ecstasy …. the dirty dishes”
  1. dearest marguerite:
    I too began my day with foggy-headed, begrudging clean-up. And now the space is a little clearer, as is my head.

    I have begun the practise, recommened by Julie Cameron in THE ARTISIT’S WAY, of journaling first thing in the morning in a stream-of-consciousness way. it really clears a path for the light to come in.

    much love

  2. Marguerite Orane says:

    Thanks Jacquie! I SO relate …. practice practice practice

    All love and blessings to you!

  3. Lyn says:

    Love your blog! we all need to appreciate the little things we take for granted…

  4. Marguerite Orane says:

    So true


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