Saturday, February 22, 2025

The joy of being cell phone free … and laughing!

December 22, 2010 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Release

My Blackberry  has not been working for the past 10 days.  Not having any wish to be in the Telus Store at this busy time (or frankly, at any time), I have delayed getting it checked out.  Frankly, the more time passes, the more I am experiencing the joys of not having it!  Here are a few joys that I am revelling in:

  1. Freedom – the feeling of being free of attachment to a THING, of having one less thing to remember to take, one less thing to figure out where it is, one less thing controlling me – just FREEDOM
  2. No distractions – when I meet with people now I am 100% focused on them.  No concern that a child will call, or “hold on while I check this – I am expecting a call”.  I am 100% present
  3. Listening – now when I am making arrangements to meet, I have to listen much more carefully and get very specific directions.  No more “If I get lost I will call you”.  So I listen carefully and attentively, ask questions, make sure we both understand – which has resulted in my being:
  4. More organized – now, because I don’t have the immediacy of the cell phone, I plan my day much more carefully.  And I make sure I have my children’s plans clear and agreed too!  Which results in:
  5. Less STRESS!   See the smiling lady on the TTC all bundled up but looking serene?  That’s me!  I am focused on where I am going, knowing that I have made all my arrangements carefully and that when I get to my destination I will enjoy an interruption-free (at least from my end) time with the most important two people in my world at that moment – the person I am meeting with and me!

I urge you to experience the joy of being mobile free!  Take one step today – just leave your phone at home the next time you go out.  See what happens.  Notice how you react.  Observe your initial feelings of panic (I went through quite a few of those).  And then relax and know that everything is all right.  Experience the joy for a few minutes, hours or days.

One day I know I will trudge over to Telus and get my mobile operational again.  Or I think maybe I will …… But for today ….. I choose to experience the joy of being cell phone-free …. and laughing!


7 Responses to “The joy of being cell phone free … and laughing!”
  1. Hi Marguerite, this is a great topic and I can certainly relate to the freedom you mention when being forced to the leave the BlackBerry behind. And speaking of BlackBerrys, here is a clip on the subject that’s just for fun:

  2. Carol says:

    I second that emotion! I knew I was in trouble the day I found myself turning the car around to go back home for the **** cell phone. I had to stop and ask myself just when and how did I get so attached to this thing, this thing that I vehemently resisted getting in the first place because I never wanted to be available 24/7. Where is time for me to just be, without interruptions, or other people’s expectations… I continued on my merry way, sans cell phone, and the world didn’t stop on its axis, the sun still rose in the East, and rain was still wet, and you’re right, it was one less thing to have to remember. It really is supposed to be a convenience, not something to increase stress.
    Have a wonderful Christmas Season, bundled up and all. We’re experiencing some winter weather ourselves – believe it or not it was 11c!!! in Mandeville last week.

  3. Marguerite Orane says:

    Dear Carol – thanks as always for your insights! Yes, we all started out resisting the technology and have just become so sucked in. It has its uses ….. but as in all things, we need to release attachment.

    Enjoy cold, wintery Jamaica Christmas – lol. We are praying for snow to fall on Christmas Day. Then all we would need is the fireplace

  4. Marguerite Orane says:

    Thanks Susan – perhaps we should start a mobile-free day revolution? lol

  5. Carole says:

    I concur. About two weeks ago I forgot my BB and I tell you it was a stress free day. I told myself I will forget it more often. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Marguerite Orane says:

    All now I haven’t reached Telus – just loving not being accessible 24/7

  7. Christiane says:

    Great, Marguerite! Even though I have become excessively dependent on it, I do take an occasional break from it. So, I do identify with you and appreciate your insights. Continue to enjoy your cell phone free days!!!