Friday, March 7, 2025

Laughing at the dirty dishes

Each Tuesday evening I teach a class at Ryerson University.  Whilst I enjoy the class immensely, I am quite drained by the time I arrive home.   Typically, I am ravenous, having not eaten since lunchtime.  The thought of relaxing in my warm kitchen, doggies at my feet, happily conversing with my children ushers me down the cold, windy street to home.

Last Tuesday, I opened my front door and headed to the kitchen …… to the sight of total chaos – dishes unwashed (from Sunday!) were still piled high, floor was unmapped and garbage bin was full to overflowing and not smelling too nice.  I was LIVID! Like the bulls running in Pamplona, I charged upstairs berating my children with each stomp of my feet, snorting venom and frustration.  Over and over I nattered, each time eliciting an equally angry and upset response from Victoria (whose duty it was to wash the dishes) but had already gone to bed, and Shane, who couldn’t understand why I was yelling at him.

Eventually I crashed into bed, awaking the next morning with a stiff neck and shoulders – and the dishes still unwashed.  My body was tense and knotted and my mind equally so.  I HAD to get myself out of this state – after all, isn’t it I who coach clients that “for things to change you have to change”? I calmly piled everything neatly into one side of the sink, determined that the dishes would remain until Victoria did her duty, but that at least I could make myself a cup of coffee.  Comforted by my coffee (yes it does comfort me) I dug deep into my arsenal of state breakers and remembered that there was a LAUGHTER YOGA session that very evening.

Lynn Himmelmann, the Laughter Yoga Leader, asked each of us to introduce ourselves by name and one thing on our minds – with laughter.  Well, the only thing on my mind was the dirty dishes!  As I told the story, laughing, I realized how ridiculous the whole scene was.   Ho ho ha ha ha …… I had spent almost 24 hours angry, frustrated, upset over ….. dirty dishes?  Ho ho ha ha ha …… My home was a warzone, with battle lines solidly drawn between me and my children over …. dirty dishes?  Ho ho ha ha ha ……..What craziness is that? Surely if I am going to argue and fight with my children it should be about something serious?  Ho ho ha ha ha …… In the one hour of laughing, my body unwound and my heart took over – moving to love rather than anger.    And I resolved to remain in that place, remembering that whatever the problem, whatever the question – love is the answer.

How delightful then to arrive home and find the kitchen spotlessly clean, my children calm and my home once more a sanctuary.

Of course the story does not end so happily ever after.  Since then, there have been quite a few nights of dirty dishes.  Now I just look at them, laugh and quietly move them to one side of the sink.  And they get washed – not necessarily according to my schedule, but washed nonetheless.

I take that back – this IS a happy ending after all, for I have been reminded of the insignificance of things and the importance of those I love.  And laughter, once again, has been my healer.  Ho ho ha ha ha


10 Responses to “Laughing at the dirty dishes”
  1. Barbara says:

    I need to adapt some more Laughter Therapy in my home too, over the dishes too! LOL

  2. Marguerite Orane says:

    Barbara – life has been so much easier since I laugh at the dirty dishes! All you need to do is laugh! Start with saying “ho ho ha ha ha” slowly, then speed it up and before you know it, you are LAUGHING heartily and everything is allright!

  3. sharon reyes says:

    real NICE!!! I don’t get a chance to read much or comment but I save them until I can. I would want you to know that I appreciate your kind efforts and encouraging thoughts a whole lot. Don’t stop. Cheers

  4. Gloria says:

    I am definitely going to start laughing at the dishes. Your initial reaction was very familiar to me and you are right. Dishes are not worth it.

  5. Marguerite Orane says:

    GLoria – you cut to the chase …. dishes are NOT worth it! B

  6. Marguerite Orane says:

    Thanks Sharon – and I appreciate your support and the energy that you add to this world! Bless you!

  7. Carol says:

    Does the laughter therapy apply to challenging personalities too who might not think you’re being funny at all, or that the situation is laughable?

  8. Marguerite Orane says:

    Laughter heals. Now sometimes it’s not appropriate to laugh out loud. Then, you laugh silently or internally. Excuse yourself (bathroom is always a good excuse) – go somewhere private and have your laugh. No one need know – all they will see is a changed person, and wonder why! Laughter is not about having others find you funny or laughable – it’s only about you and how you are dealing with your own reaction to a situation.

  9. Sarah says:

    Excellent story! I am looking forward to a time when I can automatically realise when small stuff is really just that. I still have occasions when I have to go through a couple days of knotted muscles and frustration before the coin drops and I can shake my head and laugh.

  10. Marguerite Orane says:

    Just keep practicing Sarah!