Saturday, February 22, 2025

Blogger’s block

October 18, 2010 by  
Filed under Accept, Featured Posts

“Writer’s block” is the well-known bane of many authors.  It has happened to the famous, the amateur and the occasional writer.  It is the inability to produce written work on demand.  The words don’t flow, or if they do, they don’t make sense, seem stilted and unreflective of the sentiment or ideas the writer is trying to express.  It is a frightening experience.  The first reaction is panic – is this the end to the edifying stream of inspiration that had previously floated words by hand to paper (or laptop)?  Is this the conclusion of what seemed like one’s lasting legacy – something to uplift humanity and be left long after our physical presence has vanished?  This sense of panic can quickly spiral downwards, worsening the problem, with each attack creating more and more barriers.

As I have found out, writer’s block affects bloggers.  Over the last few weeks I have just not felt the creative urge to blog.  Many ideas have come to the fore, but as quickly as I jot them on paper (or laptop), they dissipate.  I look at the first two sentences and cannot go further.  I have at least two dozen 2-sentence blog-starters sitting on my computer like hurdlers at the starting line, frozen with fright.  There are 8 or 9 weeks of “Post blog” on my weekly to-do list, and each week they are unchecked, undone.

Guilt quickly set in as I felt I was letting down my loyal blog subscribers, to whom I had made a commitment.  Then panic – what if I can never find the inspiration to blog again?  Since blogging is so important to my book publication, did this then mean that all the ideas for a “Free and Laughing” series would come to naught?  Quickly a doomsday scenario emerged in my mind as I envisioned the possibility of being a one-night stand one-book author!  AAARRRGHHHH!!!

After weeks of agonizing over my inability to blog, I decided to do the first thing that I always recommend when one is in crisis – take a DEEP breath!   As I breathed, I found myself starting to let go and accept the experience.  Exhale.  Release.  Inhale.  Accept.   I did not write a blog today.  It’s OK.  I wrote 2 sentences this morning.  It’s OK.  I had an idea for a blog that I did not finish.  No problem.

But there’s a deeper insight.  There will always be obstacles that appear in our lives.  There will always be times when we are in the trough.  In our relationships we might argue, disagree or fail to communicate.  In our careers there will be situations where we fail to perform or don’t live up to expectations.  In our finances, we may find ourselves submerged in debt, having an unexpected expense, losing money on an investment or overspending on some unnecessary or unaffordable item.  No journey though life is without impediments.  What is important to remember is that like a hurdle race, beyond the hurdles is the finish line.   For a valley to exist, there must be two hills.  For a blockage to manifest there must be something to block.   Beyond the hurdles is the finish line.

The real obstacle is our fighting and resisting.  Once we let go and accept, we are better able to see above, beyond, around, through or under the barriers.  At first where there was a wall, there is now space around the wall – space for us to dream, imagine and create.  The block has become a gift, forcing us to look in a different direction or to see things differently.

Hey – I just wrote a blog!!!!


7 Responses to “Blogger’s block”
  1. Your honesty and openness is part of what I, as one of your subscribers, appreciate very much. Then there is the ever present opportunity for learning that you highlight.

    Keep forever in the flow of your giftedness.

    Never allow the passing thought to take root in your soul such that all of us, your subscribers, become a burdensome obligation.

    Do view us as channels through whom LOVE is kept in universal circulation with the inspirational messages from Free and Laughing.

    You are a blessing to us and we hope we too are a blessing to you.

    From this current blogpost CHOICES is the key message for me.

    Yes Marguerite I agree ….. it is vital for each of us to develop our personal capacity to use these spontaneous negative emotions as triggers for choosing in that very moment to “intentionally ride the waves of life” …. “be present”, “accept” and “observe” are the free and laughing principles I think most useful to apply as we ride these waves all the way to shore.

    On shore were the energy of all waves evolve to another state we can now take the opportunity to reflect and make decisions in a more loving space.


  2. Marguerite Orane says:

    Thank you Paul. Your beautiful sentiments are a comfort to me. I agree with you – life is about CHOICES. And those we have in infinite supply in every moment. Life IS good.

    All love and blessings to you

  3. Catherine says:

    I’m apprciative of your honesty. We need to be reminded that it is absolutely alright to be true to ourselves bearing in mind that the TRUTH sets us free and laughing.

    Our interests may differ but we, all, certainly eperience these junctures in our lives. I, personally, feel though that it is the point at which we relax, reflect, wheel and come again. This comeback finds us refreshed, strong and confident.

    You are, indeed, a heroine, an inspiration and a stimulant.


  4. Carole says:

    Zoom zoom zoom!! Way forward….not getting philosophical here, just responding from the heart! As I was reading, I realised you had written a blog about not being able to blog. We need to always remember there is always the ebb and flow in life, and we need to respect each of them in our growth.

  5. Marguerite Orane says:

    That’s the only way … being true to ourselves!

  6. Syreeta says:

    Hi Aunty Marguerite,
    As I was reading I was thinking the same thing Carole was thinking… “you’re writing a blog about not being able to write a blog” … anyway there is so much to learn and experience from life… we don’t have to worry… and yet sometimes we worry so much because we don’t want to let people down… and of course we don’t want to let ourselves down… but I think it is important for us to realize that life is full of ups and downs and ‘obstacles’ but we can move through, over and around them… the deep breath is important…
    Anyway I think you should share those sentences that you wrote down… they might spark something… I hope you still have them.
    Lots of love.

  7. Marguerite Orane says:

    Thanks Syreeta – I will definitely share the sentences. Whenever I get an idea I just write it down and then I can go back to it and complete the thought. Sometimes it flows – sometimes not. But maybe, as you are suggesting, I could just post the 2 sentences! After all, who says a blog must be a certain length? Thanks for that idea! Love you!