Friday, February 21, 2025

The blessing of womanhood

This is a long post courtesy of my wisewoman Facebook friend, Pj Samuels.  Her posts are always amazingly deep and insightful and I look forward to them every day, for they typically cause a shift, a validation or simply a lovely feeling.  This one, received a few days ago really honored my womanhood, affirmed my […]

Gratitude is a discipline

September 27, 2010 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

Since erecting a fence a few months ago, my mailman has been in a conundrum about how to deliver my mail.  Should he fasten it to the fence?  Throw it over?  Open the gate and bring it in?  He has tried all of those.  I had no idea how inconvenient my fence had been for […]

Aunt Clara’s 3 ways to live to 99+ – free and laughing!

September 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Love

I spoke to my dear Aunt Clara a few days ago – the Aunt Clara who is my WOW (What an Old Woman) and is busy planning her 100th birthday party next April (she’s not sure yet whether it will be at her home or a hotel … but will let me know).  Throughout the […]