Saturday, February 22, 2025

Free and laughing travel – without leaving home!

I came across an interview with author Mary Pipher.  Here’s what she shared about books:

‎”If you live 70 years and aren’t a reader, you will know maybe 3,000 people over your lifetime. But if you read books, you’ll go all over the world and know all these wonderful people you could never have met in one lifetime”

I love to read.  When I am into a book, I am totally consumed by it.  I will stay up all night to finish it.  And when it is done, I feel a little lost, as if some wonderful event has now finished and I am taking a little breath.  Why does this happen?  Because when I am into a book, I am totally present.  I come to know the characters, to feel their joys and sorrows, to enjoy their experiences, to share in their learning.  They become my family.

So my question today is: Where have you visited through books?  What experiences have you had?  Here are some of mine:

  • Ancient Egypt
  • Trekked through the Himalayas
  • Lived in Tibetan monasteries
  • Wandered through daffodils in the Lake District
  • Kenya in the early 20th century
  • Occupation of Chile by the Spaniards
  • Native American Indians before invasion by Europeans
  • Trekked across the Sahara
  • Crossed the Middle Passage (as a slave
  • Just followed Jesus throughout his life on this earth – all 86 years!
  • Was in prison with Nelson Mandela
  • Hidout with Anne Frank
  • Rode with cowboys across the Prairies

Oh – and by the way – do we now see how really important it is that ALL children learn to read, have access to and enjoy books?  It’s not just about being able to get a job – it’s about being able to see the world!


6 Responses to “Free and laughing travel – without leaving home!”
  1. Maria says:

    Hi Marguerite,
    …And I was always worried at the end of a summer, going back to work, that colleagues would ask me what I had done during the summer. I guess I didn’t realize how rich my travels have been through books! Thank you for the enlightening me, and I love receiving your blogs!

  2. Excellent!!! 🙂

    What jumped out at me was

    “Just followed Jesus throughout his life on this earth – all 86 years!”

    Can you give a more specific reference to this book. Thanks and stay blessed.


  3. Sandra says:

    mmmm I sometimes get so consumed by my work and life that I have ignored my fondness for the written word…thanks for reminding me that while I embark on this new phase of my life…I can still travel.

  4. freeandlaughing says:

    Yes Sandra – sometimes we see people jetting off to all sorts of places and we think, wistfully “Why can’t I go”? Then we remember that through books we CAN – without limits of time, place or money! So, where are you travelling to next?

  5. freeandlaughing says:

    “The Mystical Life of Jesus” – Sylvia Browne

  6. freeandlaughing says:

    Thanks Maria! I love your comments! Please share with us on the blog where you have travelled! We would all LOVE to know!