Saturday, February 22, 2025

Bring it on God!

I just received word of yet another disappointment.  I had submitted a proposal to work  in Dominica, one of my favourite places in the world.  It was not accepted.

As I graciously acknowledged the rejection – oh have I come a long way to be gracious in the face of rejection – I remembered the quote that I shared a few posts ago: “Every disappointment leads to an appointment”.  I have been having a string of disappointments lately, and am not seeing the appointments.  Why, I wondered.  Then, this came to me:  God, the Universe has something great and wonderful in store for me.  I am not ready for it yet.  I have some more work to do.  Some more letting go, some more releasing, some more accepting, some more trusting, some more loving.  I don’t yet know what this goodness is, but all these “disappointments” are the prodding of the Universe to guide me away from distractions and towards these grand and wonderful things that my mind cannot yet even visualize, verbalise or comprehend.  The disappointments are to stretch and help me grow in awareness and consciousness to be able to accept the grand goodness of the Universe.

So today, I open to whatever God has in store for me – bring it on God!


10 Responses to “Bring it on God!”
  1. Marguerite,

    Thanks much for the inspiring words that arose from this seeming disappointment. I too am in a phase where I know I am being guided toward what is best rather than being given what I think I want right now. I have no doubt that there is an “appointment” that comes from the core of our beings, and today’s gift is the awareness and the faith-building so we can handle what comes.



  2. I am just loving this blog, Marguerite! The message “Let go and let God” can be put in so many different ways, but this one resonates with me like a deep tissue massage. A special thank you today, Marguerite.

    Love and blessings always,

  3. Donovan says:

    I choose to look at those situations that impede my progress as obstacles, not defeats. The difference between an obstacle and a defeat is simple – an obstacle opens the door to possibilities; a defeat closes it. Believing in possibilities tells the world hope lives within you and faith is the lantern that lights the way to making your dreams a reality

  4. Hi Marguerite, The following sentence in your post leapt out at me.

    “I don’t yet know what this goodness is, but all these “disappointments” are the prodding of the Universe to guide me away from distractions and towards these grand and wonderful things that my mind cannot yet even visualize, verbalise or comprehend.”

    I too am growing more and more aware of the relevance of being divinely steered clear of distractions and staying open and receptive for overflowing blessings in EXPECTED and UNEXPECTED ways.

    Today I awakened with the following phrase on my mind “seek first the kingdom of God” and was prodded to do a search for its deeper meaning. I was lead to the Bible, the Book of Matthew and focussed on various statements from Jesus (not in sequential order) found from Chapter 5 verse 34 through to Chapter 18 verse 35.

    Having completed the exercise I started to review my notes and here is what the still small voice whispered to me.

    “Be clear where you lay your TREASURES for there your HEART will truly be.”

    “Therefore to be open to divine guidance …..”

    “STRIVE FIRST (not seek as I originally thought) for the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness” [see Mat 6:31-34]

    “Be ready to ASK in order to be Given, SEEK in order to FIND and KNOCK for the DOOR to be openned” [see Mat 7:7-11]

    “AFFIRM (not say) the “Lords Prayer” as taught in Mat 6:7-15 from a space of believing and trusting that God already knows all that you are in need of.”

    “Then with child-like HUMILITY [see Mat 18:3-7] FORGIVE ALL from my HEART [see Mat 18:35]

    AND “till” my MIND and HEART like fertile soil with F aith, LO ve and
    W isdom, thereby stimulating overFLOWing HARVESTS some 100 fold, 60 fold 30 fold. [see Mat 13:22-23]


    As we all continue this journey of life, we can choose to realign our unique gifts, talents, knowledge, skills and abilities with divine guidance

    So 1) Be clear on who we truly are at the core of our being

    2) Be clear on our life purpose …. divine application/utility of our gifts, talents, knowledge, skills and abilities

    3) take daily actions that harmonise and support who we say we are and what we say our life purpose is.


  5. Janice says:

    “Some more letting go, some more releasing, some more accepting, some more trusting, some more loving.” I give thanks for those words.

  6. freeandlaughing says:

    Thanks Yvonne. “I live in the fullness of God’s infinite givingness” was in my daily reading today. If we only remember that in every single moment ….

  7. freeandlaughing says:

    Thanks Michelle. I saw Louise Hay in Toronto a few weeks ago, and she said, in introducing all the wonderful speakers she had lined up: “We are all saying the same thing”. So true ….

  8. freeandlaughing says:

    Thanks Donovan – you know, when I read your comment what came to mind was the image of a hurdler. A hurdler doesn’t need to cleanly clear the hurdles – he/she just needs to get to the finish line!!!! And so it is, we don’t need to clear our obstacles cleanly, easily or totally – we just need to keep focused and get to the finish line!

  9. freeandlaughing says:

    Paul – thanks so much for this beautiful lesson on the BIble passages and what you take from it. Profound. Stay in the knowing that you are blessed

  10. freeandlaughing says:

    Thanks Janice – they are an important reminder for me too! The work continues