Saturday, February 22, 2025

What to do when you can’t find 10 things to be thankful for …

Every morning for the past 6 months or so I have written 10 things I am grateful for in my journal.  It used to be 5, and one day I decided to double it.

I have, and continue to recommend this highly to everyone – it is so powerful and important to the quality of one’s life that I included it as one of the exercises in my e-book “Free and Laughing in Crisis Moments” (available as a free download when you subscribe to my blog).

My sister and I were talking one morning this week, and she noted that sometimes it’s hard to find 10 things to be grateful for.  Having experienced this myself, I pointed out to her that it is exactly when we are stuck at #7, that we MUST push through to do the 10.

The lesson?  It’s not WHAT we give thanks for – it’s THAT we give thanks!  This is what keeps us in a state of grace – giving thanks for everything, even and especially when we think we have little to be thankful for.

Here are some of the things I have given thanks for when I am “stuck”:

  • The beautiful morning
  • A sunny day
  • The rain
  • My children enjoying what I cooked for them
  • Finding my favourite lingerie on sale
  • My doggie coming into the kitchen and licking my hand
  • My breath
  • This moment

There are no limits to the grace of God – so there are no limits to our being grateful.  Make SURE that today, you give thanks for at least 10 things!


8 Responses to “What to do when you can’t find 10 things to be thankful for …”
  1. Wendy Chan says:

    So just to clarify, these are different things daily….sounds like something to try..Guess when you are stuck it does force you to REALLY think! Thanks….

  2. Hi Marguerite, this is such an excellent reminder!!! Merci 🙂

    I heard a TV Evangelist the other day giving two definitions that keeps replaying in my mind. I now share them with you.

    “Mercy is when God DOES NOT give us what we DO deserve.”
    “Grace is when God GIVES US what we DO NOT deserve.”

    I am thankful for :-
    1 the capacity we have today to SHARE so freely.
    2 the capacity we all have to CHOOSE the lessons we access and then utilise each day.
    3 being able to identify myself with the true CORE of my being that is DIVINE by nature with all authority and dominion over my life experiences
    4 the challenges of life that sharpen my HUMILITY and STRENGTHEN my FAITH
    5 all the times when I am backed up in a corner with no where to turn but to GOD
    6 Clarity of my Talents, Gifts and Abilities and how these fit my LIFE PURPOSE
    7 Daily experiences of Love, Joy, Peace and Cashflow in overflowing proportions, with more that enough to care for myself and share with all people in my sphere of influence
    8 a caring and supportive Mom and Dad who are healthy, vibrant and alive today {and whom I am encouraging to study the story of Abraham and Sarah for faith and longivity:) }
    9 you Marguerite and your blogs
    10 my wife and two daughters, Maxine, Danielle and Robyn who stimulate me to be the best me I can be

  3. Andrea says:

    Thank you for this reminder Margie. This morning my friend Becky sent a FB post in thanks for her first grey hair! She is a young breast cancer survivor and full of fun. Here is what she shared:
    Becky “found her first gray hair today, and is excited! 🙂
    It means she’s alive, she’s getting older, and she has hair!”

  4. Carol says:

    Hi Marguerite,
    You’re always one of my 10 things to give thanks for. Thank you!

  5. freeandlaughing says:

    Oh Carol – I am speechless! Except to say a BIG “THANK YOU”!

  6. freeandlaughing says:

    Here’s to “free and laughing” Becky! WOW! Please give her all my love and blessings! And I do hope you pass on my blog to her

  7. freeandlaughing says:

    Nothing to add Paul – except “THANK YOU”

  8. freeandlaughing says:

    Wendy – give thanks for whatever comes up that you are grateful for in that moment! Sometimes it’s things that happened the day before; sometimes things I expect/want to happen. And sometimes it’s just for the actual moment …. whatever, as it comes up – give thanks