Saturday, February 22, 2025

Next Top Spiritual Author competition – round 2 is ON and I am in it!

Yes friends, I made it through to Round 2 – so now it’s time to vote AGAIN!  Just click this link – if you voted in Round 1, then it’s easy to login and vote.  If you haven’t voted before, then you will need to go through a little registration process – but don’t worry, it’s for your protection and security – and a good cause!  I had to write a Book PRoposal and I thought I would share it with you here. It’s a little long, but it gives you an idea of what to expect from Marguerite Orane – the Next Top Spiritual Author!

Book Proposal

“Free and Laughing: Spiritual Insights in Everyday Moments“

Author:  Marguerite Orane


In a series of vignettes Marguerite Orane relates everyday experiences and the deeper meaning she gets from them.  Being present to the moments of joy in the perfect mango, observing the bough of a blossoming tree, releasing attachment to space at a jazz festival, accepting blackened toenails after completing a marathon, trusting the universe to take her children safely to another country or learning lessons of mother-love from a dance – Marguerite suggests a different way of looking at these and other seemingly ordinary life experiences, one that is detached, yet accepting, and rooted in trust and love.

The deeper meaning is that when you live life this way, you are free to laugh, trust and love.  Life becomes a big playground, full of fun, joy and learning.  Yes, you fall, there are scrapes, cuts and bruises, but when you are “free and laughing”, you pick yourself up and play again.

The appeal of the book is in its simplicity. The chapters are short and easy to read, as they flow from the heart.  The messages seem simple, but they are deep and different people can appreciate them regardless of where they are on their spiritual journey.  They are commonsense guides to managing the experiences that challenge, and to finding the good in each situation. Marguerite brings up many thought provoking issues and ideas, but in a way that is affirming and warm rather than harsh and scolding.

While everyone deserves to live “free and laughing”, this book is particularly relevant to women in the 40+ demographic, who are facing the issues of aging and other life transformations and are questioning the deeper meaning and purpose of their lives.

The book was self-published as a 90th birthday gift for Marguerite’s mother.


The book is organized in seven parts:

  1. Be present – when we are present, we are able to consciously determine what our situation is, to decide if it is what we want and therefore have the power to change it as we desire.  The vignettes in this section relate experiences of Marguerite’s mother being free and laughing, Marguerite facilitating a workshop, eating a mango, resting as part of her marathon program, attending a literary festival and her young daughter’s mispronunciation of “meditation”
  2. Observe – being able to observe ourselves opens the door to our understanding of who we are.  It allows us to detach from our ego, our baggage and all that keeps us where we are.  It allows us to laugh at and with ourselves.  Nature in the form of Marguerite’s garden, a beautiful tree and a hurricane inspire this chapter
  3. Release – once we observe ourselves, then we can choose to release our attachments to whatever we do not want to have in our lives.  Encounters with a “not so nice” friend, a happily married couple, a possessive woman spur Marguerite to look at the deeper meaning of release
  4. Accept – there are two aspects of acceptance – accepting whatever is present in our lives, and opening to accept the good that we desire.  Through the death of a dearly beloved dog, the loss of three toenails, relationships with business school friends, a co-worker and three amazing older women Marguerite demonstrates the value of accepting what is.
  5. Trust –Watching the plane take her children to another country, a lonely run and a seemingly threatening cyclist, lost keys and trying to outrun a hurricane – these are experiences that demonstrate to the reader that trusting in the infinite goodness of the universe brings the assurance that life is indeed meant to be a joy.
  6. Love – love is the only power.  The love vignettes feature Marguerite’s dogs, a “chance” meeting with Dadi Janki (leader of the Brahma Kumaris), a moving dance performance, a dearly beloved friend and a visit to a relative’s grave demonstrating that we can find love is in everything, in every situation and in every person
  7. Practice – Marguerite reflects on the importance of practice through her stories about a lazy morning in Miami, plies in a ballet class, running out of gas and then she shares practical techniques for being “Free and Laughing”

The book is the first of a “Free and Laughing” series, which will apply the Free and Laughing principles to specific situations such as:

  • Free and Laughing in Crisis Moments – how-to e-book already written and self-published
  • Free and Laughing at Work – combining Marguerite’s considerable experience and training in business with spirituality – a mix that is provocative, rarely spoken of and much needed
  • Free and Laughing in Love – looking at love from a place of detachment and unconditionality
  • Free and Laughing Parenting – based on the author’s experiences as a mother and stepmother
  • Free and Laughing Finances – helping others to release fears of money, and learning about being financially free
  • Free and Laughing for Children – likely to be co-authored by the REAL Free and laughing experts – children
  • Free and Laughing Aging – the lessons from watching her mother age gracefully and beautifully, and now looking at her own “aging process” and making the choice to age in the same way
  • Free and Laughing Pets – the unconditional love and trust that animals demonstrate with their owners and the lessons to be learnt

Marguerite is open to collaborating with other authors and contributors on these future titles.


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