Saturday, February 22, 2025

6 steps to stepping outside your comfort zone and getting what you want in life

April 19, 2010 by  
Filed under Accept, Featured Posts, Practice

Entering the Next Top Spiritual Author Competition is really forcing me to step up and step out! I realize that to win, I need to think and act on a scale mega sizes bigger than what I am used to. The competition is big – over 2,000 authors have entered. 250 will move to the Second Round. I am in the top 150 authors and I need to stay there. I haven’t been told how many votes I need – but that still, small voice whispered “5,000”. WOW! That’s a big number! That number means that I cannot limit my marketing to my friends and family – I have to reach out to people I don’t know – total strangers. And not just to strangers in Jamaica and Canada, but to strangers all over the world.

I have to do things differently and do different things. On this journey I have had to get over my fear of technology and actually start doing some of the techie stuff on my blog. I used to be comfortable saying “Oh I am a technological Neanderthal”. Now I am not – now I am stepping outside of my zone of previous knowledge and past experiences into ….????? Who knows?

How do we step out of our comfort zone? The simple answer is to say, “Just step”. And yes, that is true. But I would like to offer you 5 important steps that have worked for me:

  1. Generate energy around what you want. Since entering the competition I have been journaling like crazy on what I want – what it looks like, how it will feel, the impact on my life. I have written volumes, which has created an energy and momentum that focuses me and moves me to action. Remember, “energy flows where focus goes”
  2. Acknowledge that it is scary. There is fundamentally only one thing that keeps us inside our comfort zone – FEAR of the unknown! Even when our comfort zone is uncomfortable, it is known, and we feel secure in it. We look at the unknown and think – “It could be better, or it could be worse. So maybe I should just stay where I am just in case …”. Acknowledging that we are afraid is a step in accepting the current situation as it is, which leaves us free to suspend judgement, blame and guilt
  3. Determine what you need to do differently. What do you need to do to up your game? In my case, I did the math and realized that the unwavering support of my Facebook, Twitter and e-mail friends, while treasured, would be unlikely to give me the 5,000 votes. So, I came up with a list of things to do – many of which are VERY, VERY uncomfortable!
  4. Identify your team – crucial step! Who has the expertise to help you? Who will support you unconditionally? Who can give you advice? Who is tops in your field? Who plays on the same stage you want to? Make a list. Then call or e-mail them, or read their blogs, books and articles. Learn as much as you can from them
  5. Ask for help – oooohh – this was a BIG one for me. This was the big out-of-my-comfort-zone step – to ASK for help. But ask I did – and guess what? People are happy to give it!
  6. Be grateful. Every step of the way. For everything – even the experiences that seem negative – they are the greatest lessons!

Remember this, so generously shared by a friend: “Everything you want in Life is right outside your comfort zone” Robert Allen

The only thing keeping you from getting EVERYTHING you want in life is your willingness to step outside your comfort zone. Today, make that step..

And, please remember to vote for me and ask ALL your friends to vote for me too in the Next Top Spiritual Author competition. To vote, click:

By the way – this is an example of my stepping out of my comfort zone – to ask people over and over again to vote for me – I DID IT! YESSSS!  Hmmm … maybe there is a 7th step – CELEBRATE every step you take!!!!


One Response to “6 steps to stepping outside your comfort zone and getting what you want in life”
  1. Excellent guidance Marguerite; I love the 7th step; we can often time become so caught up with the ultimate target that we overlook the beautiful incremental successes along the journey which accumulate and create a tipping point in the fullness of time… on time.

    I wish you all that’s good as you move through yet another evolution in your life. I have played my part is asking friends and family plus my twitter, facebook and blog followers (repeatedly) to vote for you as my way of lending support here.

    Do you already know the pathway to overall victory in this competition? I want to be able to PICTURE VICTORY CLEARLY WITH YOU:)!!!

    Up to now I understand that the top 250 authors progress to the next round …… then what??

    May you continue to operate under God’s grace in all you do.

    [ footnote: Now that you are getting more comfortable with technology 🙂 you may want to explore the convenience of online shopping for your health/nutritional products, energy bars, energy drinks, beauty and household items; with many qualifying for FREE delivery right to your door. Yes you can be free and laughing while shopping online at ]