Saturday, February 22, 2025

Haiti – how in the world do you remain free and laughing in the face of such devastation?

January 13, 2010 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Love


I returned home last night to find this e-mail from my sister:

Here from Jeanguy in Haiti (Facebook – give thanks!)….”Lycee” is High School

I love you all , I am alive … I’m very sad for Haiti , for all these girls from Lycee Marie, all these people dying …and I couldn’t do anything . Once again I love you all and Haiti needs you . We don’t have any emergency response team… It’s a very sad reality in 2010! No phone , no electricity , nothing … Please I would be happy to help you with your calls but all the phones are dead …I had to walk from Bas de Turgeau to check on the school in Petion_Ville , than from the Artcho to my house @ Freres .. It’s ugly everywhere !

And again from Jeanguy on the ground in Haiti

…..” part of Lycee Marie Jeanne has collapsed … can’t confirm which side … But one of the girls crying said :” Mezami e timoun 8e yo … they were running everywhere … I was trying desperatly to leave the area myself. College du Canape Vert has collapsed … part of Les Soeurs du Sacre Coeur … L’eglise du Sacre Coeur … Pax Villa has totally colapsed …Mikaline Kindergarten by CCF @ Bois Verna  … It’s a total disaster ! We will never really know about casualties here …Haiti is bleeding !”

I had noted a number of people making appeals “Pray for Haiti” on their Facebook status.  I had no idea why, so I checked CNN and heard the news of the 7.0 magnitude earthquake that had hit Port-au-Prince.  Haiti is one of Jamaica’s closest neighbours and I have family there.  So, I was naturally concerned.

As I watched the video feeds and photos, I wondered how one could remain free and laughing in the face of such devastation.  But as I read Jeanguy’s post, it came to me – LOVE.  Note that Jeanguy’s very first statement is  about love – “I love you all”.  In the midst of all of this, Jeanguy’s first response was to love.  When we question why things happen, it is good to go back to LOVE.  It is good to come from a place of love, for that gives us power.

Coming from a place of love, numerous people have started to mobilize to help – from the American Government, to the Rotary Clubs in Jamaica and elsewhere  I am sure, to the Facebook community who are actively spreading the word.  Within hours, a Facebook group “Prayers for Haiti” had over 1,600 members!  And my sister immediately started collecting clothes and other supplies from friends and neighbours.  You can only do this when you come from LOVE – if you come from fear and negativity, you are immobilised and can do very little.

Love also takes us into gratitude.  There is much to be thankful for – the speed with which people heard about the earthquake, the communications technology that allows folks in Haiti to let their loved ones know that they are OK, the kindheartedness of the people who are mobilsiing significant resources and the amazing resilience of the Haitian people – just look at the photos of people there helping each other.    All these I am grateful for.  And of course we know that no matter how bad it is, it could always have been worse.

Today, I am not wallowing in misery, not questioning why: I am coming from a place of love – sending love to the people in Haiti and being thankful for the good.  For I know that LOVE is the only power, and that what I give thanks for multiplies.

Do something for Haiti today – send love, give thanks and take action.  No action is too small.  Do it with love and it will magnify, expand, grow exponentially.


4 Responses to “Haiti – how in the world do you remain free and laughing in the face of such devastation?”
  1. Carole Orane Andrade says:

    Thanks for this insight…I have lifted my spirits because of it! See LOVE, know LOVE, BE LOVE


    Haiti,my thoughts and prayers are with you constantly !!

  3. Betty SB says:

    Give to Food for the Poor, Jamaica Red Cross, ODPEM. They will make sure it gets there. Remember, we are extremely wealthy in comparison to Haiti so give what you can, even $5 or a jug of water can help. Think basics: water, medicine, baby food. Charities can always direct raw cash to what is needed most.

  4. Elsa Robinson says:

    Thanks for this Margie