Saturday, February 22, 2025

Free and laughing at the laundromat

January 3, 2010 by  
Filed under Be Present, Featured Posts

free and laughing at the laundromat
A note from my Facebook friend Jaci.  A great example of how a small shift in one’s state radiates outward, magnifies and can change a situation.  Just think what could have happen if Jaci had “blasted”!  Instead, she laughed and there was a different outcome – win/win for all!
Happy New Year, Marguerite! 🙂

True “story” >>>>>

One day, I was in the laundromat (New York) when a very pretty, petite powerhouse of a woman tried to bully an elderly man. He was perhaps in his late seventies and obviously scared of her. She was annoyed that he was about to get one of my three (3) washers. Just ONE! All she needed anyway was one! Just ONE!

Considering I towered over her ( a good 5 inches or so) and that I was ticked off at the “elderly abuse,” I was about to blast her! Instead, from out of nowhere, came three words: “Free and laughing!” I kid you not! So…like an eediat…mi juss start laff! LOL. Then, I calmly offered one washer to each….. “washer.” 🙂

I found it rather amazing that “free and laughing” came to me! Do you think I have been reading your blogs too much? *giggles* 🙂

Nuff love…mi fellow Wolmerian!
Jaci ♥


4 Responses to “Free and laughing at the laundromat”
  1. sandy c says:

    … I enjoy “Free and Laughing” and make every effort to constantly and consistently digest balanced helpings of positiveness from your site and other sources daily. Jaci’s response supports my belief that whatever you focus on becomes the strongest in your life… that’s why the Free and Laughing attitude took over in the moment of pending crisis!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR as we contine to learn from each others life experiences!

  2. freeandlaughing says:

    Thanks Sandy. Practice makes perfect! Great new year to you too!

  3. Margeurite,
    You a di bes’. Nuff respec’fi di New Year and beyond.

  4. freeandlaughing says:

    Thanks Richard – have a great year too!