Friday, February 21, 2025

Invictus – unconquered, undefeated – no matter what!

December 19, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Trust

I saw the movie “Invictus” last night and thought I would share the poem with you today.  Lessons, lessons, lessons.  Go and see the movie for a real lesson on leadership with integrity.  In the meantime, think about this poem and remember ALWAYS that you are the master of your fate and the captain of […]

A gift from Mahalia and her mom

December 18, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Love, Release

I am sharing this beautiful experience that my friend Mahalia related to me and other friends.  There are so many lessons for us, and I thank Mahalia for putting them out there for us all to share.  It is good to remember, in the final week before Christmas, that the best gifts are not purchased […]

Bolt for Time Person of the Year

December 15, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Love

It’s that time of year again – Time to choose the  “Time Person of the Year”.  This is the person or group of persons who, for better or for worse, have had the most impact on the world.  There are the usual obvious choices this year of President Obama, Steve Jobs, Bernanke, Timothy Geithner.  But […]

Minding Tiger’s business

December 12, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Observe

For the past two weeks, all sorts of things have been happening in the world – the USA is sending more troops to Afghanistan, there is a climate change conference in Denmark which most world leaders are attending; the atrocities in Darfur, Myanmar and other places continues; the economic crisis shows no signs of being […]

Choosing to be free and laughing in the cold!

December 10, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

My children are having the greatest time experiencing snow for the first time.  I think Shane, my son, must have thrown at least a hundred snowballs yesterday!   And he could not resist jumping into the snow mounds piled high by the snowplows!   While I was out at a Festival of Carols, they had […]

Footprints of a champion!

December 9, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Love

We awoke early this morning to the beauty of a blanket of white covering everything within sight.    It has been 25 years since my last snowfall, and so I was as excited and transfixed this morning as ever!  For my daughter, it was her very first sight of snow, and it was magical!  You could […]

The awesome power of making the bed

December 8, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Observe

There are days that are very productive and some that are not.  Some days, I declare with a real sense of accomplishment “It was a very good day”.  Then there are others when I review my list of “things to do” and see very little accomplished.  Now, I know that if I do something once, […]

How to bring ease, grace and joy to this holiday season

December 1, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

It is December already!  The end of the year looms, and the beginning of a new year is imminent.  To get there however, we have to make it through the holiday minefields of parties, shopping, cooking, entertaining, giftgiving.  The very thought raises our stress levels! Now is a good time to affirm ease, grace and […]