Saturday, February 22, 2025

Procrastination – friend or foe?

November 18, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

Procrastination in action!

Last week I committed to a 75-day Action Challenge Program, hosted on Facebook by Julette Millen.  Yesterday, Julette asked us to consider the habit that is most holding us back and to write a paragraph on it.  Here is my “paragraph”:

The one habit that I know keeps me back is PROCRASTINATION.  I am quite organized in my procrastination.  Every Sunday I make a list of “things to do” for the week.  Then, each morning, I make a list of “things to do” for that day.  Great so far.  So why is it that each week, the same items keep repeating on my list?  For weeks and months, I am writing the list over and over, with little change.    I feel frustrated each time I look at the list of undone items, placing them on the list yet again, as if doing so will somehow magically get the thing done.

And so I wonder, could my procrastination habit be serving a purpose?  Could I actually be gaining benefits from procrastination?   If I were not, then surely I would have changed the habit long ago.  So, let’s see – how is procrastination serving me?

  1. It allows me to stay in my comfort zone.  Doing all the stuff on my list would really move my life forward and take me totally out of my comfort zone
  2. It helps me to prioritize – by default.  If left long enough, things fall off my list as I realize that they just aren’t important anymore
  3. I get help – other people step in to do the thing since I am not doing it
  4. It imposes deadlines on me and gets my adrenaline going.  There is nothing like a deadline (or liveline, as I wrote in a previous post) to get energy focused!
  5. It provides clarity as over time looking at my lists I see what it really important and HOW to get things done
  6. It allows space for things to gel – for new insights as time passes and additional information comes to light

WOW!  Looks like my procrastination really DOES serve some useful purpose.  So why does it bother me so?  Here are the ways that procrastination does NOT serve me well:

  1. It keeps from accomplishing the things I say I want to accomplish
  2. It keeps me from stepping out and playing really BIG in life
  3. It drains my energy – writing the same things over and over each day/week/month is a real drag
  4. It wastes my time

I have to decide today (no procrastinating) if the negatives of procrastination outweigh the positives.  If they do, I will change.  If they don’t, I will continue to procrastinate.  Only I can decide for me – this is a decision I alone have to make.  Is it a decision that you have to make about your life too?  If so, then try doing as I have done – draw up your own “Procrastination as Friend” and “Procrastination as Foe” list.  You will get great clarity and focus.  And you will be clear at last on what decisions you have to make!  Now, make them!


One Response to “Procrastination – friend or foe?”
  1. Noelle Murray says:

    Yes, ofcourse, I sure do have those challenges. What I have discovered is that those on my list that do appear quite often, I make a decision to get them off after a certain time, maybe a week or even a month. That is ofcourse, after weighing my thougts on the subject, because sometimes for some unkown reason perhaps it’s my instinct retarding my action. I have learned to listen to my little voice quite frequently and reassess the action and the time frame I need to achieve the listed action. But, you are right especially when the act of PROCRASTINATION holds me back and retards my growth.

    Love it!