Saturday, February 22, 2025

How to end your day – free and laughing!

November 5, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

Well done

“At the end of each day, you should play back the tapes of your performance. The results should either applaud you or prod you.”

— Jim Rohn

At the end of your day do you “play back the tapes of your performance” at Jim Rohn urges?  Or do you crash into bed exhausted,  admonishing yourself for all the planned things not yet done?  It is important to review your day with a spirit of gratitude and learning.  Here’s a little routine:

  1. Choose your time – a quiet moment, either before or after your nightime ablutions
  2. Grab your journal and pen!
  3. Close your eyes , take 3 long, deep breaths and quickly and gently scan your day, as if you were watching a movie.  Make no judgements, just watch the day pass
  4. Now list everything in your day that you are grateful for – “I am so grateful for …”.  Include the people you met or interacted with, the experiences and accomplishments
  5. Make a note of any learning.  Did you make “mistakes”?  What did you learn?  What would you have done differently?
  6. Note the 3 most important things you plan to accomplish tomorrow
  7. Finally, give thanks yet again for everything in the day, and for everything to come tomorrow.  Most importantly, give thanks for the magnificent being that is YOU!

Now, with a smile on your face, turn in to bed, knowing that tomorrow is another beautiful day!


5 Responses to “How to end your day – free and laughing!”
  1. Diana Chen says:

    I’ve been keeping a diary since I was about 11 (!) and can’t imagine I would be sane without it. I really like these prompts and will try them out tonight.

  2. freeandlaughing says:

    Thanks for your comment Diana – a diary or journal is really like your best friend – without the opinions, judgement and well-meaning advice!

  3. YardEdge says:

    Thanks for sharing this…I used to do this often but had forgotten all about it lately…thx. for the reminder!

  4. Mystic says:

    Thanks for sharing this … Its something I do from time to time as well. I find that as I am more grateful and appreciative and give thanks at all times even when things seemingly go bad that things just magically seem to work out. SO I am empowered to practice gratitude even more. still have not yet gotten in the routine of my daily list of ten things to be grateful but I am getting there and this daily review I will incorporate as well. thanks.

  5. freeandlaughing says:

    You are most welcome. Hint: start with expressing gratitude for 1 thing every day. It’s the daily habit that matters. Then work up to 10 – and more – gradually
