Sunday, March 9, 2025

How to change a deadline to a “liveline”

October 20, 2009 by  
Filed under Be Present, Featured Posts

I wrote this blog last June – in my state of bliss, and celebration of my revelation, I never posted it.  I found it while clearing out my papers last night and thought I would share it with you – for the lessons are still applicable.

The looming "deadline"

A major deadline of June 30 was looming.  As I made my long “to do” list of tasks necessary to meet this deadline, it dawned on me how challenging it would be.  No wonder I had been procrastinating about starting.  But at least now I could explain the source of my restlessness and discomfort over the past few weeks.

Sunday morning, instead of tackling the list, I went to the beach.  As I lolled in the sand in a state of total relaxation and bliss, I had a revelation – change the deadline to July 31!  The moment that thought emerged, it felt right.  I felt this sense of wonder and amazement – why hadn’t I thought of it before?  Where did the June 30 deadline come from in the first place?

There are two lessons here for me.

Lesson One – the importance of relaxation and rest for clarity.  So often when we have a multitude of things to do, we feel that we cannot afford to stop.  This is exactly when we MUST rest.  Rest allows us to break our cycle of activity, in which we are often engaged on autopilot.  When we are in this auto mode of time-pressured activity, our minds are totally focused on the tasks at hand, with little room for observation, questioning and reflection which could result in new insights.  When we take a break and do something that we love, something that makes us feel good, something that diverts us from our deadline, then we allow space to expand and explore.  The harder and more challenging taking a break may seem, the more frivolous you may deem it, the more necessary it is.  No time for a massage?  Do it.  No time to go to the beach?  Go.  No time for meditation or an exercise class?  Get still, or get moving – either way, just break the treadmill of activity.  Wonderful things will emerge in this new space we create.

Lesson Two – many (most?) deadlines are not cast in stone.  Often, they are self-imposed.  If imposed by others, they may be negotiable.  Sometimes they are set for no good reason, or for a reason that while valid at the time of the setting, is no longer relevant.

Even the word “deadline” carries with it the imagery of lack of energy and aliveness.  How about shifting our paradigm from deadline to liveline?  This way, we will get our tasks done, our goal accomplished, but wth a sense of joy, ease, grace and vitality.  Just the thought of a liveline of July 31 energises me.

Today, think of a timeline that is making you feel dead, drained, causing you stress and disorder in your life.  Now, ask yourself:

  1. Is this timeline really necessary?
  2. If it’s necessary, what can be renegotiated to make it more life-giving and empowering?
  3. If it’s not necessary, what timeline will make me feel alive and motivated?

Questioning the timeline is always a good thing.  You may still stick to the original timeline, but having asked the questions, it becomes a conscious choice – not something you are being railroaded into. It becomes a liveline!


9 Responses to “How to change a deadline to a “liveline””
  1. Ingrid says:

    I am learning how to do this and this post was well timed for me. Clearly you are sitting on my shoulder or saw the last grey hair shoot from the side of my head last

  2. SD Gill says:

    I feel particularly good about reading this in the middle of a workday, when the task-list is getting longer and longer. Just the type of break I needed.

    Another action we should take time out for, even when very busy, is checking in with positive colleagues and/ or loved ones. Taking two minutes to walk to a colleague’s office instead of an impersonal e-mail supports effective communication and creative “group-think”; an instant message to a dear one, reminds him/her that they are cared about.

  3. freeandlaughing says:

    Good suggestion Sonia – and of course taking a moment to read “Free and Laughing” always helps – lol

  4. freeandlaughing says:

    Ingrid – it’s a universal experience in our busy world – deadlines until we are a dead-line i.e. flat on our back, 6-feet under! Good to stop, take a deep breath and be free and laughing!

  5. Carol says:

    Boy, you must have read my mind. I was just telling a friend about the stress I felt everytime I thought about a particular “deadline” that’s looming. Time to stop and re-evaluate. Thanks.

  6. freeandlaughing says:

    There is One Mind. And it provides everything we need just as we need it. For It doesn’t know time – just manifestation.

  7. Michael says:

    This was just what I needed. I have been burning myself out to meet two deadlines – personal and work imposed. In the process it denied me the time to exercise and get plenty of sleep, resulting in my becoming ill. I am definitely going to review both. Time for re-evaluation and negotiation.

  8. freeandlaughing says:

    Yes Michael, we all need to stop and take a look at how we are burning ourselves out – otherwise our bodies will do it for us – sometimes permanently! Of course, it’s easier said than done – we stop, take a look, resolve to change, maybe change for a few days/weeks – and then ….. back to the good old habits! Permanent change requires daily focus and resolve


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