Saturday, February 22, 2025

What do you fear? There’s a name for it ……

October 14, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Release


I subscribe to’s  “Word of the Day”.  Yesterday’s word fascinated me:

triskaidekaphobia \tris-ky-dek-uh-FOH-bee-uh\, noun:

Fear or a phobia concerning the number 13.

I had never heard this word before, and couldn’t believe that this fear is so prevalent that there is a special word to describe it.  Intrigued by this idea, I googled “names of phobias” and found the following list on Wikipedia.

Isn’t it amazing how many things we are afraid of?  Where do these phobias come from?  Fundamentally, they come from our thinking.  Yes, we have had experiences that informed these phobias – but it is our thinking that determines whether we continue to take that experience into our present and future and make it something fearful and negative.   Phobias also come from others’ experiences – we hear people speak about a particular situation of which they are fearful so often that we absorb the phobia as our own.

Phobias, or fears, are baggage.  They keep us from being free.  They keep us tied to the past.  Releasing our fears is a wonderful step to take in our life’s journey.  As you scroll through the list of phobias, ask yourself:

  1. Which of these apply to me?
  2. Which of these used to apply to me?
  3. Which of these are holding me back?
  4. Which of these am I willing to release?

And release them.  If you need help, then get help.  But don’t think that you MUST go through life with these fears.    It is up to you!


BUT WAIT!  THERE’S MORE – Animal phobias



11 Responses to “What do you fear? There’s a name for it ……”
  1. A lot of phobias also stem from childhood events which we might not even remember.

  2. Carole says:

    So, we put a name to it and adopt it into our lives, nurturing and cherishing to grow and then take over our lives! I try to acknowledge what I fear, but don’t accept that fear as my own and something that defines me…..the only names I want in my life are for loved ones and things that I love!!

  3. Pauline Grant says:

    It is always good to hear from you, Marguerite. I’m glad you enjoyed your first ‘Canadian Thanksgiving’, but then, thanksgiving is nothing new for you, regardless of where you are. Right?
    May you always be ‘Free and Lauging’

  4. freeandlaughing says:

    You know Pauline, when you give thanks every day, then it becomes a habit. And it’s a habit that really makes your life bloom! I enjoyed pooling my gratitude consciousness with Canadians this past weekend – it was lovely.

  5. freeandlaughing says:

    Labels are very dangerous things! Many people bear their badge of —–phobia with joy and honour, not realising that it is holding them back from living truly magnificant lives!

  6. freeandlaughing says:

    Betty – that’s so true. All we remember is the fear. And that fear continues to the present to inform our every moment. When we let go of the fear, then our lives will be different. Phobias are also passed down from generation to generation too.

  7. Nicole says:

    This is quite funny since I just found out that I am a triskaidekaphobia. I have always been superstitious of the number which was exacerbated by the fact that my aunt died on October 13 seventeen years ago. Needless to say, I am very wary of the number 13. Not too sure how I will overcome it but thankfully it doesn’t define my life and I am not obsessive about it…..I think

  8. Good post.
    I’ve been through this situation before. Years ago, I began to have symptoms of the dreaded disease … of a sudden just started to be afraid to be sick away from home, and when I saw, almost not leave the house more. It was a very difficult time. Went through several psychologists and psychiatrists, and they just helped me.
    To find a very good, in a nearby town. He even gave me a manner it considers most effective. I started to use some CD’s and read some books of what he called self-hypnosis, and this proved very effective. Today is already on the internet the same package that he referred me (You can see here: ). It also has enough content on the Internet.
    Well, that’s it! Hugs!

  9. freeandlaughing says:

    all the best to you on your journey of healing towards perfect health!

  10. Wava Galamay says:

    Everyone is afraid of something. This most fundamental, critical rule of human existence may be among the oldest reasons for the human need to socially interact. To a certain extent, it is arguable that all society is based on the foundation that we are playing off each other’s fears. However, while it is normal for everyone to have fears, not everyone has a phobia. The phobia, which is essentially an unreasonable fear that is firmly rooted in a person’s psychology, can sometimes be difficult to spot. In general, they don’t so much affect a person’s social and professional standing as other disorders might. Yet, there are some people that must deal with the prospect of having to face a phobia at work on a daily basis.;

  11. Marguerite Orane says:

    Thanks Wava for this very insightful perspective. Yes, we all have fears – the issue is: what do we do with them? Do they control our lives? DO they paralyze us? Or do we acknowledge and move forward anyway. It is said that “courage is taking action DESPITE your fears”. The issue is not about fighting or letting go of the fears, but acknowledging that we have them, looking at the impact they are having on our lives and deciding if we want something different. If we do, we take action. Fear is good …. it can give us important information, plus the urgency to act

    Blessings in abundance
