Saturday, February 22, 2025

A strong core

October 6, 2009 by  
Filed under Featured Posts, Practice

Core strength

Yesterday I was riveted to the most amazing video of a dance performance by two men in Poland. I have never seen such a display of strength and control as they lifted, rose, elevated each other interchangeably – the only props being their own and each others bodies.  After my initial awe, it became clear that their true strength came from their core.  Yes, their entire bodies were strong – legs, arms, hands, shoulders, neck, etc. – but their abdominals were just astounding.

I reflected on many a yoga class, when attempting new and challenging asanas, how many times I have been exhorted to pull in my tummy or keep my core strong.  The same message has come to me in dance classes, karate, Tai Chi, marathon running: indeed in any form of exercise in which I have engaged throughout my life.

I reflected even further how the idea of a strong core goes to our spiritual foundation. When we experience challenges in our lives, we return to the core of our being – the Spirit within. The core is “the central, innermost or most essential part of anything” (  The root of the word “core” is Latin “cor” meaning heart.   Which is why so many people when stripped of everything material, find the most amazing breakthrough – to love.

We don’t have to wait for a challenge to remember that our core is key.  The dance, yoga, martial arts and other forms of physical exercise remind us that we can consciously build and strengthen our core.  Mastery of any exercise form comes from our core.  Mastery of our lives comes from our core.

How do we strengthen our spiritual core?  Just as daily practice of abdominals and deep breathing builds our physical core, so does daily practice of meditation, prayer, silence and reflection strengthen our spiritual core.  When our physical core is strong, challenges are easier to overcome.  When our spiritual core is strong, challenges are easier to overcome – and indeed, fewer.  How apt that as I reflected on the importance of strengthening my core, this affirmation appears in today’s Daily Word magazine:

“In moments of quiet meditation, I come back to center”


5 Responses to “A strong core”
  1. jean says:

    My dear Marguerite – thanks for this – timely piece!

    Hope all is well for you in Canada.


  2. Donovan says:

    Yes, But look how they move with trust and intimacy

  3. sharon says:

    Fabulous note Marguerite a nudge to me again to ‘re-center’ or refurbish my core eh?! Thanks

  4. freeandlaughing says:

    Thanks Donovan – there is no BUT – when your core is strong, you trust! And therefore intimacy is not an issue!

  5. David says:


    This is a fantastic reminder for me!

    Thank you.
