Saturday, February 22, 2025

I am moving to Canada …. free and laughing!

July 17, 2009 by  
Filed under Practice

iStock_000001427729XSmallI am moving!


I am relocating from Jamaica to Canada next month. It is a major move in my life, not just for me, but also my two teenagers.  It has been in the works for the past 2 ½ years, and now it is coming to fruition.


I will be blogging my experiences as I navigate this new life.  I wonder that I haven’t blogged it before ….. perhaps I was still in a bit of denial about it really happening.   Hmmmm ….. something to think about.


What I do know, is how my “free and laughing” approach has helped me to make the move – free and laughing!  I am positive, upbeat, courageous, forward-looking.  I know without a doubt that this is the right move.  And so everything is falling into place nicely.  And when things don’t seem to be manifesting the way I think they should, I laugh, exhale and affirm the best.  My daily mantra is “I move to Canada with ease, grace and joy”.


So, here’s how I have been applying “Free and Laughing”.


  1. Be present – I know without a doubt that this is the right move.  And so everything is falling into place nicely.  I am present to things as they occur.  And when things don’t seem to be manifesting the way I think they should, I laugh, exhale and affirm the best.  My daily mantra is “I move to Canada with ease, grace and joy”
  2. Observe – I am very aware of all the changes in my life and the impact it is having on my mental, emotional and physical state.  For example, on Wednesday, two days after I returned from a one-week visit to Canada, my hip started to ache really badly.  I almost considered not going to my yoga class.  Good thing I did (something told me to go), for Donovan, my yoga teacher pointed out that “It’s the move”.  When I got home I checked Louise Hay’s book “Heal Your Body” and lo and behold – hip problems indicate fear of moving forward.  I share her lovely affirmation with you “Hip hip hooray!  There is joy in every day.  I am balanced and free.  I move forward in life with ease and with joy in every age”
  3. Release – I have come to terms with releasing my attachment to the things in my home, my home itself, my plants, my books, my dogs and ultimately, Jamaica.
  4. Accept – I am now accepting my new home, Canada.  For example, when I was there last week, I reveled in the juicy, fresh cherries, not missing mangoes in Jamaica at all!  Accepting that Canada will be cold – and that I will make the best of it and learn to ski and snowboard!
  5. Trust – what a journey of trusting!  Trusting that all is well, even when things seem otherwise.  Trusting that my life is unfolding exactly as it should.  Trusting that all who I meet are there for my ultimate good.  Trusting that I am making the right choices for my children and me. 
  6. Love – loving every minute, every one and every thing.   And loving most of all myself, and knowing that I will bloom wherever I am planted. 


I move to Canada with ease, grace and joy.  I live my life with ease, grace and joy – wherever I happen to be!


3 Responses to “I am moving to Canada …. free and laughing!”

    Wishing you the best re your move to Canada !!

  2. freeandlaughing says:

    Thank you – and thanks for your regular feedback! Much appreciated


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