Saturday, February 22, 2025

Me vs. swine flu

April 27, 2009 by  
Filed under Practice

“World vs. Swine flu” – Huffington Post
“Countries take steps to prevent swine flu outbreak” – CNN
“Swine flu fears sweeping the world” – Jamaica Observer
“US declares swine flu emergency” – MSN

Governments all over the world are rushing to formulate plans to fight this latest strain of the influenza virus. All sorts of measures are being implemented – from banning imports of meat to closing schools. We are advised to avoid contact with people who display any signs of the flu – and we are not to kiss! Oh dear …. this is serious.

One thing I am not hearing about is what we can do on a personal level. Since the flu attacks individuals, then there must be something that individuals can do. I believe that the main thing that we can each take responsibility for is the health of our immune system. Strong and healthy immune systems are able to withstand attacks on our body. Here’s what I am doing with immediate effect:

1. Increasing my daily intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. I will be vigilant about having my daily dose of green juice (coconut water, cucumber, pak choy and ginger – and whatever else is green in my fridge or garden). And I will consciously increase my intake of fruits – quite easy for me in Jamaica as mango season is here! A fresh salad each evening will be my dining delight! For those who still eat meat, now is a good time to reduce or eliminate this from your diet!

2. Making sure to drink lots of water and coconut water to flush my body of any germs or viruses that invade, and keep it well-hydrated

3. Getting adequate rest – tricky one for me, but I do plan to get to bed by 10.00 p.m. and to take little naps throughout the day

4. Exercise – spinning or running for the health of my heart and yoga for the oxygenation of my cells and detoxing and relaxation effects. Both, as with any form of exercise, will get my endorphins up and active so that I will feel relaxed and happy!

5. Laugh – 300 times per day like children do. Laughter is a great way to build the immune system as it oxygenates our cells and relieves the effects of stress. Plus it’s contagious, so it’s an easy way to help others to build their immune system

6. Stay positive – we do not have to buy in to the gloom and doom. I will affirm daily that I am perfect health and that every cell in my body is well

Yes, there is an increase in the incidence of this very dangerous flu. But we are not helpless, waiting, waiting, waiting for the inevitable attack and wondering and worrying about what our government is doing, or not doing about it. We can do our part to make sure that there is one less case by taking care of ourselves. This gives us a sense of empowerment and purpose – one of the very best things for our well-being.


One Response to “Me vs. swine flu”
  1. Nicole Phillip says:

    Excellent advice on “minding our health” and taking responsibilty. I love it.