Saturday, February 22, 2025

Living life full out at 98!

April 26, 2009 by  
Filed under Practice

“How does it feel to be 98 Aunt Clara”? 

“Great” was the response. The simplicity of the word belied the power of the emotion, for it was said with such a smile (see photo above and you will know what I mean) that you just KNOW that it really IS great to be 98 … and to be Aunt Clara.

Family and friends had gathered throughout yesterday afternoon and into the evening (last folks left at 10.00 p.m.) to celebrate the 98th birthday of my father’s cousin, Aunt Clara. It was the happiest of occasions. Friends and family arrived with sumptuous fare, flowers and gifts to honour this wonderful soul whom we all feel blessed to know and love. Small groups huddled, shaking heads in wonderment, able only to emit adjectives such as “amazing”, “wonderful”, “inspiring” to describe her. Words were failing us, as we sat and marvelled at this dynamo in our midst.

What is the secret to her longevity – not only to the length of her life, but the quality of it that has her so beloved by a bevy of friends of all ages and walks of life? What is her magic, her secret? I think it is this:

1. She looks forward. Aunt Clara is always planning something. We were all told months ago to reserve Saturday April 25 to join in her birthday celebration. She organized and executed everything. We were just told to turn up. And, she and I have already discussed her 100th birthday celebration!

2. She puts the past behind her. An oft-repeated phrase by Aunt Clara, whenever she is relating some incident that may not have been too pleasant for her is “Anyway, I just put that behind me”. And that’s the end of that
3. She keeps moving. I noticed her yesterday rising to greet each new arrivant, bustling to get them something to eat and drink, refilling empty serving plates, checking that all were engaged and happy. Arthritis or no arthritis, Aunt Clara keeps moving
4. She surrounds herself with those she loves. Aunt Clara is legendary in her entertaining. Every Sunday she has friends to lunch, often times followed by tea! She is always inviting you to come and sit with her, have a cup of tea, a chat. And once she receives an invitation, she makes the effort to attend. She is a gracious hostess and guest
5. She is grateful. Whenever she comes to my home for a function, she never fails to call the next day to extend her gratitude and tell you what a lovely time she had
6. She smiles – always a smiling face, twinkling eyes showing her genuine love for you! Ailments are mentioned with a smile, a simple acceptance that it is what it is, not something to be dwelled upon nor complained about. 

Looking at this list, I realise that it is applicable not just when you are 98, but at all ages. Live like this, and your life will truly be the joy it was meant to be!

Clara. Her name means “clear, bright”. She is truly a bright spark in the lives of those who know and love her. She is a beacon that shows us how life is to be lived! Her real secret is that she is fully engaged in life. Happy birthday to my dear Aunt Clara – my inspiration, my role model for living life full out!


4 Responses to “Living life full out at 98!”
  1. Stephanie says:

    ‘Aunt Clara’ and the eloquent story you have written about her 98th Birthday celebration is very inspiring indeed! Thank you so much for sharing.

  2. Carole says:

    Every point hits the nail on the head….one other – she does not complain!!!! She never complains that she hasn’t seen me in a while, she just states that she is longing to see me!
    Dear Aunt Clara!

  3. Knolly says:

    I wish my Aunt Cynthia can live as long so I can write something as eloquent.

  4. carol says:

    What a wonderfully inspired and inspiring approach to life. No wonder she’s lived to the grand age of 98 years, and still going strong. Give thanks!