Saturday, February 22, 2025

"My patients have to wait for me"

December 14, 2008 by  
Filed under Release

“My patients have to wait for me” giggled the doctor, smug in her role as a “professional”. The discussion was about the difference between a “business” and a “practice”. The doctor was adamant that her practice is not a business and is therefore not subject to businesslike operating principles like customer service and honouring people’s time. I was adamant that a doctor should, just like anyone else who is providing a service, organize him/herself in such a way as to deliver that service in the most efficient and effective way possible and with utmost regard and respect for the comfort and need of the “patient”. She was adamant that patients are called patients for a reason, and must therefore “understand” and wait. I quickly ended the conversation with a declaration that the medical profession should change what I believe is an outmoded and arrogant way of thinking and behaving, and that I for one, would not be going to a doctor who keeps me waiting (real emergencies understood of course). To which the doctor and others in the conversation responded “That’s because you are not sick enough”.

I have been musing on this conversation. Are we really helpless and simply have to take whatever is dished out? I don’t think so at all. I for one have resolved to continue to do everything possible to stay out of the clutches of doctors with such an attitude. I will continue to exercise, eat healthily, manage my stress levels, do my annual medical checkups and whatever else is necessary to maintain an optimum state of wellbeing. I will also continue to choose my doctors carefully, with their commitment to keeping appointments with me as one of the criteria.

But then, suppose I do get very ill, or am in an accident i.e. suppose I am in a state where I am “sick enough”. What then? Am I at the total mercy of people with any and every kind of attitude? Not at all. For I do have control over what type of people I attract into my life and my experiences. When I declare and trust that the Universe will provide the right people with the right attitude to fulfil my needs at all times then that is exactly what will occur.

But it goes further than that – as the Law of Attraction states: like attracts like. For me to have experiences with people who have the right, loving, caring and respectful attitude, in addition to the best possible professional competence, I must also be that! That’s my work now – not to worry and complain about my friend the doctor, but to take care of myself, my attitude and behaviour, and to make sure that I am what I desire to attract!

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