Friday, March 7, 2025


February 13, 2008 by  
Filed under Accept

“There’s a typo on the cover” my brother said as he held up the copy of my book that I had just presented him for his birthday.

“What?” yelled my sister and I simultaneously, and in total disbelief. We both grabbed for the book – and sure enough, there was the typo “Free and Laughing: Spiritual Insights in Everday Moments”. And not only was the typo on the cover, it was also on the spine and the inner page!

How could this have happened? I had looked at that cover so many times, as had my sister, the book designer and so many others! In true free and laughing spirit, my family laughingly went into a discussion about the word “everday”. We decided that since language is always evolving, why not create a new word? In the context of the book, an “everday” would be a day that is so wonderfully perfect, when time stands still, when one is present to the glory of the day. An “everday” moment would be a moment that is so magnificent that it feels like a whole day (or longer). Which is the point of the book – when we are present to the moment, then the moment is all that is and we can see its true wonder and beauty.

I am now going into the second printing of the book (yes, already!) and I have a major decision to make – do I keep “EVERDAY”? For when things like this happen – a typo 3 times! – I always wonder if there is some message being sent to me, some inner, hidden voice from telling me something.

As I reflect on this, I have two questions for you, my dear reader:

1. What does “everday” mean to you?
2. Do you think I should keep the typo when I reprint?


2 Responses to “Everday”
  1. fern and charlie nesson says:

    everday means the today we are in all the time

  2. PAT WRIGHT says:

    yes,u r to leave it.everthing happens for a reason