Saturday, February 22, 2025

Searching for a parking space ..

November 21, 2007 by  
Filed under Be Present

Last weekend, on my way home from a seminar in Los Angeles, I decided to stopover in Miami for a tad of Christmas shopping – actually, more than a tad as my children had given me a 6-page list! This is the weekend before Thanksgiving, so the malls were a teeming mass of humanity seeking solace and cheer in retail nirvana. This message was transmitted to me loud and clear in every parking lot I entered – parking spaces in proximity to the stores were all immovably occupied, with each vehicle parked in a way that said “I am not leaving for now”. I spent a lot of time at each retail location searching for a space. I sometimes felt like I was at an amusement park, going around and around and around, with no resting spot in sight. I typically gave up after a few minutes and settled for a space some distance from my destination store.

On my final stop, tired and worn out from the endless choice and hype that is the American shopping experience, and having circled a parking lot for at least 5 minutes (or so it seems – time really moves slowly when you are looking for a parking space), I turned in front of the entrance to Target and said out loud: “Ok now, time to find a parking space”. And lo and behold, the INSTANT these words left my mouth, the rear park lights of a vehicle in the very next space lit up and the driver commenced his reverse! I slid into the space, jaws agape as I wondered yet again at how the Universe ALWAYS says “YES” – NOW!

As I recall this experience, I muse on what the difference was in me that caused instant manifestation of my desire! For in my parking lot circling during the day, I had definitely wanted a space. It was my intention to have a space close to the mall. Yet, it only actually occurred on the last occasion. What made the difference? Looking back, I recall the energy I placed into my statement, and the power I put into the word “NOW”. I realise that previously I had been looking, while on this occasion I was present to being in a parking space RIGHT NOW.

And I further wonder, what other instances are there when I am seeking rather than being fully present? These are the moments when I am in the process rather than in the manifestation. These are the moments when I am seeking rather than being. For if my intent is to seek, then, how can I find? If my intent is to seek, how can I be? Seeking implies something being lost, hidden, to be found. There is no need to seek – only to see and be. There was no need for me to seek a parking space, only to see it. There is no need to seek anything in my life – only to see it and be it.

Today, I AM, rather than I SEEK.


One Response to “Searching for a parking space ..”
  1. carr_likean says:

    This is but a small example of our infinite capacity to impose our will on the Universe….to shape our destiny. I think we all intuitively know this to be true but are many times prevented from accessing this tremendous internal power by our own doubts, created by our inability to consciously comprehend in a logical, “reality-sensitive” way how the mind’s energy can transform what already appears to be.