Friday, February 21, 2025

Something told me …..

August 28, 2007 by  
Filed under Trust

In conversations with friends and acquaintances, I have noticed myself saying “Something told me …” very often. “Something told me” to have the trees in my yard pruned before going on vacation. Good thing – so that when Hurricane Dean became a threat the day after my return home, I was prepared. “Something told me” […]

Hurricane Dean – the cleanup

August 24, 2007 by  
Filed under Accept

“Kingston looks so clean” my friend remarked as he drove in from the airport, three days after Hurricane Dean visited Jamaica. “The mountains look shiny and green, and even the harbour looks clean and sparkling”.  I have often marvelled at the positive effects of a hurricane – the good side of what is considered an […]

Hurricane Dean – and my jewellry

August 21, 2007 by  
Filed under Observe

Awaiting the arrival of Hurricane Dean to Jamaica, I decided that I would put the unscheduled “downtime” to good use by sorting out and cleaning my jewellery. This is a chore I had long neglected, and I figured that some mindless, manual labour would be perfect for taking my thoughts off the fury and power […]

Vacation emptiness

August 7, 2007 by  
Filed under Practice

Today is Day #4 of my vacation. For a total change of pace, I am vacationing in a big city, Chicago. It has been an interesting three days, living in a city. I have met numerous friends and acquaintances of my host, Desiree. Many express surprise that I live in Jamaica and am vacationing in […]

None but ourselves can free our mind

August 2, 2007 by  
Filed under Release

“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery; None but ourselves can free our mind” Marcus Garve August 1 is celebrated in Jamaica as Emancipation Day. I found myself musing this morning on the words of Bob Marley’s Emancipation Song. I have always loved this song, and in particular, these two lines, which quotes the great Marcus Mosiah […]