Saturday, February 22, 2025

The minute you ask – it is

July 8, 2007 by  
Filed under Trust

This morning, I strolled through my backyard carrying out my morning routine of collecting the mangoes that have fallen overnight from the trees. It is such a pleasure to see the bounty left to me each morning, even as I realise that the birds have shared in this, judging from the number of pecked-at mangoes on the ground! I collected eight firm, tree-ripened mangoes and took them into my kitchen. As I wandered some more around the garden, I felt the desire to eat a mango. Now, there are few things more delightful than eating a newly picked mango straight from the tree, no plate, no knife, no napkin – only mouth and hands! I realised that I had taken up all the mangoes, so I started to look for one to pick. As I went to find the picking stick, I walked straight into the most perfect, firm Julie mango right there on the ground.

This reminded me that the Universe is exact in its laws – ask and it is given. It also reminds me that the Universe knows no time, no delay – the minute I ask, it is already given. And so, the moment I asked for the mango to eat – right now, in the same moment was it supplied to me.

I had another experience later on that reinforced this for me. Driving home from church, I heard a strange, ominous-sounding whining in my car – the type of noise that tells you that something is wrong and that you may not make it home. I was one minute from the gas station, so I headed straight there. I noticed a gentleman signalling to me that something was not right, and I acknowledged his gesture. As I parked the car at the gas station, at least five gentlemen, including the one from across the road who had signalled me, gathered, each one with a very concerned look on his face. The problem was quickly diagnosed, explained to me in great detail and the plan to repair it settled and started. This reminds me of the innate goodness of people and the basic human impulse to assist and be kind to others.

There was one challenge – the repair would take two hours, so I decided to head home. I telephoned my brother to ask him to pick me up. He was 30 seconds away from where I was!

Again, the universe is exact in its laws – ask and it is given; ask and it IS. These two instances remind me that the universe takes care of me. All the time, with everything I desire in my life – asking and giving are simultaneous acts.

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