Saturday, February 22, 2025


March 12, 2007 by  
Filed under Accept

This morning, scrolling though a blog, my eyes fell upon the letters “DNA”. For some reason, what immediately sprung to my mind were the words “Divine Nature”. I suspended thought for a few moments and the word “Actualizing” came to me. DNA = Divine Nature Actualizing?

I started to muse – what is “DNA”? I quickly checked Wikipedia for “DNA” and found this:
“Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions for the development and function of living things. All known cellular life and some viruses contain DNA. The main role of DNA in the cell is the long-term storage of information. It is often compared to a blueprint, since it contains the instructions to construct other components of the cell, such as proteins and RNA molecules…”

My excitement grew!

“DNA contains the genetic information that allows living things to function, grow and reproduce”.

As I read through the scientific jargon, all I could see was a Creative Power back of all the acids, proteins, -gens, -ides, -mycins, that brings all living things into being. Is this not the nature of God? When we speak of DNA what do we really mean?

Our physical DNA cannot be seen with the naked eye, but the effects are seen in terms of our physical features – every part of our body that has ever been, is and ever will be contains the same DNA. For our DNA stores the information about what we look like and who we are physically. There may also be information about how we behave which has evolved over the eons resulting in certain behavior that we take for granted, actually having been the result of learned behavior that has become so ingrained that it manifests as information in our very cells.

If we dig deeper, we will realize that our true DNA is our Divine Nature Actualizing as us. This DNA is the same for all of us, for all living things. When we realize that we are made from this DNA, then we will be in touch with our divine blueprint. Note that the Wikipedia definition refers to “genetic instructions” – this means we have absolutely no choice but to develop and function as our divine nature. Our DNA says so.

The main point is that fundamental information residing in the Divine is also in every single cell of our body. Every single cell of our being contains the seminal information of the Divine. When we know this, we will know how powerful we are. To know that our DNA is not just from our human ancestors but from the very origin of the Universe is to know that we are unstoppable. It is to know that anything the Universe, the Divine expresses we can express.

While our Divine Nature never changes, is always present and is the foundation of our lives, our DNA, our Divine Nature Actualizing is not static but is alive. It grows and transforms as we evolve, enlighten and become more conscious.

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