Friday, March 7, 2025

Money Energy

March 6, 2007 by  
Filed under Observe

Many of us have a very negative and harmful relationship with money. We realize that it is important in our lives yet we somehow fail to get to a place of having a comfortable, positive relationship with it. Which perhaps explains why many of us never have “enough”!

What I realize is that money is not the paper and the coins – it is an emotionally charged concept of energy that impacts our lives in profound ways. Most of us have been brought up to see money as the coins and paper and the “stuff” we have in the bank and other financial institutions. We believe that we make money by working and that our purpose here is to spend our money and save some for some future time when we won’t have the working ability. That view destines us to a life of misery, unhappiness and work for work sake. No wonder we see so many miserable faces at work!

Truth is that money is energy – just like us. As energy fields, we have the ability to impact other energy fields. We therefore have the ability to impact money energy. If we have this ability, then it must also mean that we have a choice. And so, money moves from lifeless coins and paper to vibrant, quivering, ever-expanding fields of energy, over which we have dominion!

I muse on how we treat the coins and paper – or rather, the energy that manifests in our hands as coins and paper. Look at how we throw money on the ground – just walk past any bus stop in Jamaica and see that there is literally a fortune in coins on the ground. The supermarket check out counters are also a great place to view how people literally throw away money. We go further – so often when we are shopping we get shortchanged – if our bill is $0.48 we get back $0.50 change! Now let’s add up – if I repeat this transaction once a day, every day of the year, then I will have thrown away $7.30 each year. So, what can $7.30 buy? Well, it’s not so much what that amount can buy, it’s more about the fact that if we are so willing to throw away $7.30 of our hard earned money we are likely throwing it away in other areas as well. Like where? How about the cute little blouse we had to have that we have never worn? Or the 8th pair of sandals for our 16 feet (for we MUST have 16 feet if we need 8 pairs of sandals). Or the lights we leave on all night. Or the food that spoils in the fridge. Need I say more?

And look at how we treat the energy that manifests as paper – crushed up and stuffed into our wallets and purses. How many times have we opened a handbag, book, pocket and found “lost” money?

I have developed an awareness of how I handle the energy called money. I believe that this is an essential step in developing a love affair with money (and if you have any negative reaction to that concept – then check your own relationship with money). Today, I love money. I treat the money energy that manifests as coins and paper with care and respect.


One Response to “Money Energy”
  1. Anonymous says:

    Yes, Marguerite, money does seem to generate energy – my children certainly seem energized with some money in their pockets

    But seriously though, it’s when we have a negative relationship with money that we are able to discard those coins and ignore the rotting food in the fridge while we eat out at restaurants. And sometimes how we came about that money has a lot to do with our relationship with it.