Sunday, March 9, 2025


February 4, 2007 by  
Filed under Practice

I always wondered why this word, DILIGENCE, was the one chosen for display on the lectern at my place of worship. I asked myself, why weren’t words that we typically consider indicative of the nature of God chosen? Why weren’t words like LOVE or PEACE chosen? What is the message the person or people who chose these words, sending?

Recently, in working through an aspect of my being that I realized was not in alignment with my God-self, the importance of DILIGENCE came to the fore. Interestingly, the root of the word “diligence” is “diligere” which means “to value highly, love, choose”. So that diligence means constantly making the more valued, love-filled choice. It means that we choose a certain path every single moment of our day. This requires us to observe our emotions, thoughts, words and deeds, and to choose the higher war EVERY moment! (As I edit this blog I note the word “war”, which I did not intend to write – I intended to, and thought that I had written “way” – but have decided to keep “war” as clearly my superconscious was telling me something!) In our spiritual quest, it often feels like we are at “war”. We are literally arguing with ourselves.

It is easy to say “I am love”, and in the next instance say or do something that is entirely antithetical to being love. It is easy to say “I am prosperous” and yet do or say something that reflects the “reality” of a pauper. It is easy to say “I am happy” and in the next instance start complaining about something. This is the “war” that happens in our lives when we are not diligent. It is the war between our feelings, thoughts, words and deeds. It is the war that results because we are inconsistent and out of alignment with the way of love. It is the war that results when we are NOT diligent.

I now realize that DILIGENCE is what is required to be a conscious, enlightened human being, to actually live the words that are so easily mouthed. Being diligent removes the “wars” from our lives, as it is a simple matter of constantly observing our feelings, thoughts, words and deeds, in each moment. When we do this, the “higher road” becomes quite clear and there is no doubt what our choice should be.

It may not be easy to make the shift to living a diligent life – but when we do we will find that we are constantly expressing our Divine nature – easily and effortlessly.

DILIGENCE. I get it! Now to the practice!

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