Saturday, February 22, 2025

There are no limits

December 23, 2006 by  
Filed under Release

As the end of the year rolls around and we face the beginning of another year, we turn our minds to setting resolutions for the New Year. As I reflect on the year just gone by and on what I achieved, a few things occur to me.

In January I wrote down a number of things that I wanted to achieve. I did not refer to the list at all during the year. And yet, last week, I looked at it and was surprised to see that I had achieved nearly all of the intentions – even one that I had put down in jest! As the saying goes “Be careful what you pray for, for you will certainly get it”. The power of intention is indeed incredible!

But, I muse, how could it happen that I could simply write the intentions, not look at my list for 11 months, and still have the intentions materialize? How could this be? Don’t I have to keep them at the forefront of my mind all the time? Don’t I have to keep reminding myself of them? Don’t I have to keep meditating on them? Doing affirmations and visualizations? Could life REALLY be that simple, that all you have to do is declare an intention and – IT IS SO?

Apparently! What I believe is that there is a direct and even a causal relationship between the clarity and commitment to one’s intentions and the manifestation of the result. This means that when our intentions are not materializing, we need to check out how clear and committed we are. Sometimes we think that our good is being “blocked” by something. For example, there may be other intentions that are in conflict with our stated intentions. Or underlying issues or beliefs. In this space of our confusion, the Universe simply gives us the two intentions – which feels like no intention at all or a fleeting taste of the desired intention.

Here’s a personal example – I stated an intention to run a 2-hour half-marathon this year. However, my belief, held from my first race in kindergarten when I came last, is “I am a slow runner”. So, I did the half marathon, but not in the desired time! I did it in a “slow runner” time. The Universe fulfilled both my intentions.

It is so important then, that when we set our intentions we are absolutely clear on what we want. When we are clear, we become committed. And when we are committed, then we simply allow the Universe to do its work of fulfillment. And it will. For our intention will be transmitted very clearly without any distortions.

But this leads me to another thought – are our intentions actually limits on our good? I believe that the good of the Universe is unlimited. There is absolutely NOTHING that will be denied us. Our intentions are limited by our knowledge – of our history, of the experiences of others, of how far we can see, of the experience of being human. Consider for a moment that the knowledge we have individually as humans and even collectively as a species is an infinitesimal part of the entire knowledge of the Universe (and even using words such as “part” and “entire” implies a limit). If so, then our good is a lot more than we could ever imagine. And yet, we are told “It is God’s good pleasure to give us the kingdom”. That kingdom has no limits. It is therefore God’s good pleasure to give us unlimited good!

I believe that we MUST set intentions, otherwise the Universe will not know what we want. The question then is: is it possible to set an unlimited intention? I believe so, for the Universe would not give us infinite possibilities and then deny us their fulfillment! I have become fond of saying, when setting my intention “This, or better”. That, I find, opens me up to unseen, untold, unheard, undreamt possibilities! I also do this when I feel that my intention is not being manifested. I worry a bit, feel uncomfortable, wonder what’s happening, why it’s happening – and then, say those magic words “This, or better”. Then I remember that the Universe has in store for me even greater than my limited intention. The Universe has in store for me – the kingdom.

Whatever intentions you set for 2007 – simply add “this, or better”.


One Response to “There are no limits”
  1. Melody says:

    I shared this with a friend whom I thought needed these thoughts especially, and they were well received. For me, it was strong reinforcement for my own life.
    Harmony …..Mel