Sunday, March 30, 2025

Feeling Uncomfortable

August 15, 2006 by  
Filed under Accept

I am now attending a trilogy of personal transformation and enlightenment courses called “Living By Conscious Design”. The trilogy consists of The Awakening (2 days), The Clearing (3 days) and The Connection (3 days). Today is Day Two of the Clearing. For much of yesterday I found myself feeling VERY uncomfortable. I had an experience […]


August 7, 2006 by  
Filed under Be Present

Wandering in my garden this weekend, I noticed that my two avocado trees, which normally shower me, family, friends, acquaintances and any passing soul with the most delicious fruit, have graced me with ONE, yes, ONE pear this year! I wondered about this and have come to the conclusion that the trees need to rest […]